A Reason to Shout

Have you ever looked at something you have read numerous times and it hits you in a new way?  That is how reading the words “shout joyfully” was to me this week.  I love reading the Psalms, especially around Thanksgiving.  One of my favorites is Psalm 100.  It opens with these words “Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.”  For some reason, this time I found it intriguing that God commands us to shout joyfully.  Maybe it is because I am not much of a shouter or squealer.  Maybe it is because often the time I spend with God becomes routine.  Or maybe it is because I am not sure what this kind of joy looks like.

In this verse, shouting joyfully means to make a loud noise.  This same word can be used to talk about sounding out a battle cry.  It is powerful, loud, and passionate. Not only are God’s people to celebrate His goodness, but the entire earth is joining us, from the roaring sea to the towering mountains.

Think about what God is saying, when we come to Him we are making a statement.  We are declaring who He is.  We stand with all creation to loudly proclaim that He is our God. This kind of passion leads us into serving God with a spirit of gladness and to worship Him with overflowing joy.  But when we come to God are we actually coming with this strong sense of passion and triumph? And if we are not coming into God’s presence shouting joyfully, what can we do about it?  How do we overcome routine, timidity, or obligation, or whatever holds us back?

In Psalm 100, we are given a glimpse into the mindset we need in order to come into God’s presence with passion.  What we think about and what we believe overflows into how we behave. Our approach has to be rooted in what we know. In verse 3 we find 3 key foundations for a thankful and joyful heart.

  1. Know that God is God. The psalmist says “The LORD Himself is God.” While this seems pretty obvious, it is critical. We are quick to forget that God is self-existent.  He is all powerful. He exists outside of time. God is not shaken when we are shaken.  He is stable, steadfast, and unmoving.  When life is challenging, changing, and chaotic we know that God is bigger than all we face.
  2. Know that God is the One who created you. When a person or company creates a product they know it’s intended purpose.  When you are not the designer, sometimes you cannot see what the part is for, where something goes, or how the pieces fit together.  That is why the product creator often provides a manual.  Since they know the intended purpose, they can help you see it too.  When it comes to our lives, God created each of us with a purpose.  But often we forget to look to Him.  We get discouraged and confused because we look to ourselves for understanding as if we were the creator.  Knowing God is Creator brings freedom and passion.
  3. Know that God claims you as His own. God calls us His people and His sheep. God not only created each of us, but He is committed to our care. Just like a shepherd knows his sheep, guides his sheep, corrects his sheep, and would even lay down his life for his sheep, God is our Shepherd.  He does not leave us on our own.  At times we may feel defenseless against all that life throws at us, but we have a Good Shepherd who is looking out for us.

Knowing who God is and the love that He has for us fills us with gladness.  And when we come into His presence we can join with all creation in shouting joyfully to Him!

Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. Serve the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing.  Know that the LORD Himself is God; it is He who made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:1-3 NASB

Let the sea roar and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it.  Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy.
Psalm 98:7-8 NASB

Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.
James 5:13b NASB

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