A Ride Down Holy Ghost Road

After traveling for 24 hours, our team finally arrived in Liberia.  We piled into vehicles for the last leg of our journey.  Our drive started on the one paved road in the area, and after about 45 minutes, we turned onto a dirt road.  My friend Beth laughingly told us we were now on Holy Ghost Road.  Let me give you a picture of Holy Ghost Road… let’s just say it was not exactly what you would call a smooth ride.  The red clay was deeply rutted and worn from travel and the heavy rains. The vehicle had to be carefully steered to avoid getting stuck.

After a few trips up and down Holy Ghost road I started to think about how the journey paralleled our walk with God.  If I am honest, I want my journey with God to be comfortable.  I want the luxury, first class experience, but walking with God is not a promise of a smooth ride.  In fact, Jesus even told us in this world we will have trouble.

We are not promised an easy life, but we are promised that God is in control.  Jesus’ warning about trouble includes the promise that He has overcome the world.  Our walk with God is not centered around the challenges we are facing, but rather our relationship with Him on the journey. 

As you may have guessed, a key part of each trip’s success was dependent on the driver.  In fact, I grew to have great admiration for our drivers. They knew the vehicle and the roads to successfully navigate all the ups and downs. Even a rough road is safe with the right driver.  And when we walk with God, He is the driver.  He is guiding and directing our path.

Our journey may have bumps and challenges, but the destination is worth the ride. At the end of Holy Ghost road was a ministry center.  A place where I saw God moving and working.  A place where I worshiped and heard from Him. Isn’t life like that? The path to the best things is frequently full of obstacles.  And if we are not careful, we stay on the smooth road, instead of following the right course that leads us to the better things.  God is calling us to get off the comfortable road.  What is it He asking you to do?  Is it having a hard conversation, making a financial sacrifice, entering a season of waiting, or maybe activating the gifts and calling He has put on your life?

Unfortunately, we often miss our destination because the path is harder then we expect. But what is at the end of the road is worth the drive. Today is not the day to give up.  It is the day to step forward.  Don’t miss the beautiful work God wants to do because you are afraid of the journey.

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.
Isaiah 45:2

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