Walking Together

If your life is anything like mine it is full of highs and lows, ups and downs. There are days when I fill full and sense God’s presence in a…

Standing Together

Life is better together. Friendships enrich our life. They build us up. They challenge us. They shape us into stronger and greater people. I know I would not be who…

From Rebellion to Rest

The last few weeks at church we have been talking about the prodigal son. This is probably one of the most familiar stories of the Bible, yet one that no…

When God is Waiting

Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes God is waiting on you? When I think of waiting, usually the first thing that comes to my mind is what…

The Brink of Destruction

Have you ever played the game Jenga? The one where you build a tower of small wooden blocks and then take turns pulling them out one by one. The further…

That Stubborn Pride!

I’m sure I am not the only one who has spent a lot of energy arguing a point I was 100% convinced was correct only to find out later I…

When We Get Tired

I don’t know if you can relate, but lately, I have been tired. Between change, processing that change, a full schedule, and a good dose of allergies I am worn…


Security checkpoints are a hassle. They are usually slow, they invade your privacy, they force you to rearrange, and at times they can be intimidating. But regardless of how you…

A Look in the Mirror

When is the last time you looked in the mirror? For most of us, it hasn’t been long. On one of my recent international trips, the place I stayed had…

Prove It!

“Prove it!” Classic words of challenge. Just think how many heated discussions come to a climax when these words are uttered. It is one thing to have a strong verbal…