Prove It!

“Prove it!” Classic words of challenge. Just think how many heated discussions come to a climax when these words are uttered. It is one thing to have a strong verbal…

Look Up!

Earlier this week I went hiking along the Blue Ridge. The trail started in a wooded area right off the road and quickly made a steep descent. In order to…

The Power of a Blessing

Have you ever had someone say something to you at just the right moment?  When words are spoken at the right time in the right way, they are powerful.  I…

On Purpose

One of my highlights this year has been watching God work in and through the people around me. Last week, I was in Cuba with an amazing team from my…

Watching for Spring

Some people are gifted with a green thumb. I am not one of them. I love the beauty of flowers, but I don’t have the best record for keeping them…

Slow Growth

Recently, God used a 5-year-old boy to teach me about growth. It was a Sunday, and I was leading the large group time for our church’s 2 to 5-year-olds. This…

The Lie of Withholding

There is an interesting verse found in the book of Proverbs. One that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. One that I have quoted to God many…

The Lie of Activity

The enemy is lying to us. He tells us we have to keep going. He says, if we stop, everything will fall apart. He wants us to believe everything depends…

The Lie of Isolation

The enemy of our souls is lying to us. He tells us that we don’t need anyone else. He says we are good on our own. He likes it when…

The Lie of Inadequacy

The enemy of my soul is lying to me. His lies come in many forms. Sometimes they are soft whispers, sometimes they are strong statements, and other times they are…