Leaving Captivity Behind

Imagine you visit a prison. As you walk down the row of prison cells you notice something interesting. There is one cell that unlocked and open, but there is still…

He’s Lying to You

I remember one of my college roommates telling me how an older professor would walk past her in the hallway between classes. Seeing her talking with her boyfriend, the professor…

Imitation is Not Enough

Have you ever eaten imitation food? A dish or product that claimed to be the real thing, but as soon as you tasted the first bite, you knew? The look…

The Painful Process of Pruning

Have you ever wondered why it seems like God is taking you backwards? Why He strips away things that seem fruitful and productive? I remember a particular season when I…

The Key to Successful Living

Have you ever gotten lost? I mean, really lost? The kind of lost that puts a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? The kind of lost when you…

Courageous Living

The dictionary defines fear as, “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.” Yeah… I’ve been there. And…

Taking Your Next Step

It is easy to look at where we want our lives to be and quickly become overwhelmed. Sometimes we have no idea where we are going. Other times we know…

Finding Purpose in Your Pain

God has an interesting way of working.  Have you ever noticed how He takes hard situations, painful circumstances, or what seems impossible and begins something new in us?  Often, the…

When Glory Walked Around

To fully appreciate something you have to know the whole story.  In our fast-paced society, we often jump to the end without understanding the beginning.  And in this, we lose…