When It’s Time to Receive

Have you ever tried to pay for someone’s meal and they refused?  And then the back and forth began – “no I wanted to pay for you”, “no I can’t…

When the Light Came

For me, Christmas comes at the perfect time.  The time of year when the days are short and when it is usually dark before you even get home from work. …

When Christmas Began

Standing behind the small wooden fence, I gazed straight into the pit of the active volcano. Instantly, I felt incredibly small.  I could see the walls were blackened by years…

The One Who Blesses God

Thanksgiving. A day dedicated to expressing thanks.  Isn’t it interesting that we have a day set aside for something we should be practicing all the time?  But so often, I…

A Reason to Shout

Have you ever looked at something you have read numerous times and it hits you in a new way?  That is how reading the words “shout joyfully” was to me…

A Ride Down Holy Ghost Road

After traveling for 24 hours, our team finally arrived in Liberia.  We piled into vehicles for the last leg of our journey.  Our drive started on the one paved road…

The Power of Knowledge

On my trip to Liberia, I felt as if I got a sneak peek on the beginnings of a powerful work of God.  Petals of Hope International opened their first…

Living Water

On my recent trip to Liberia, I stayed in a community with no running water. And let me tell you, you come to appreciate water in a whole new way. …

When You Don’t Have Time to Stop

There’s a trap I tend to fall into… my guess is you might too… It is the trap that says: I can’t stop…  I’m too busy… It’s too important… There’s…

Rest…. Yes, It’s Possible

Ever wonder if rest is really possible? When I say rest, I mean more then just stopping action, sleeping a few extra hours, or taking a week off. I mean…