No Longer Slaves

No Longer Slaves… that is the title for the conferences I am speaking at in Liberia later this fall. And as I pray and prepare to share with women in…

Be Careful How You Walk

I was supposed to be in Cuba this week. In fact, until Saturday afternoon, I was planning on boarding a plane this morning. Saturday, that’s when I remembered… I mailed…

Firmly Planted

Life is unpredictable.  The world is full of chaos.  Every day has it challenges. And in that unpredictability, chaos, and challenge we long for stability.  That is why I love the picture…

When You Need Encouragement

We’ve all had that day, or realistically those days, when we are feeling discouraged.  When we’d rather stay in bed then face the world. For whatever reason, we feel like…

God Sees, God Knows, God Cares

Sometimes I forget. Then I worry, getting caught up with the little things and spending too much time on the what-ifs.  I forget that: God Sees God Knows God Cares…

That One Thing

You know the feeling – when you are exhausted, everything seems out of control, you are overwhelmed by the decisions that need to be made, and you just can’t seem…

The Sunrise from on High

There is something about watching the sun rise that speaks peace to my soul… something about the day coming to life and dispelling the darkness.  It is not often enough…

A Life Well Lived

“A great loss for science”… I read the words – simple, true yet so inadequate.  The article was sharing the tragedy that Matthew Parker, president of the American Meteorological Society,…

Your Preparation Starts Now

I am not a runner.  And by not a runner, I mean if you see me running, you probably should join me, because something is seriously wrong.  But despite my…

A Beautiful Exchange

As the boat glided across the water, I was struck by the beauty of my surroundings.  The clear, still water of the lake was set against the backdrop of rustic…