Helpful Hiding

You may have noticed, I’ve been silent for a few months.  Initially, I planned to take a one or two-week break from writing. I was attending a conference and wanted…

A Perspective Shift – Week Two

The crowds followed Him everywhere. Each stop along the way, their adoration grew. Surely this man Jesus was the Messiah, the Savior, their long-awaited hope. He healed the sick, taught…

A Perspective Shift – Week One

Everywhere you looked, there were hurting people – some blind, some lame, and others sick with disease. All were drawn to this place through the common bond of hope. The…

Excellence or Excuses?

“We make things too complicated, don’t you think?”  My friend’s wise word gave me pause. Her observation related to our discussion on our pastor’s recent teaching from Proverbs 23, “Wise…

Stand Firm – Week Three

Have you ever felt dizzy or unsteady? A few years ago, I had some health problems that made my body weak. At times I had the sensation that the room…

Stand Firm – Week Two

Imagine you are on an airplane. Now, imagine that plane hits turbulence, and there is a sudden drop. What do you do? I know from experience a few of you…

Stand Firm – Week One

This year more times than I can count, God brought one particular verse to mind. The month before our country went into lockdown mode, I taught the children at church…

Life and Peace – Week Four

Several years back, I was invited to a post-Christmas gift exchange. The instructions were to re-wrap a present you’d received, but you didn’t want to keep and bring it with…

Life and Peace – Week Three

Peace. A longing in my soul for something that speaks to the pain and trouble of this world. A hope for something that can soothe my brokenness and reconcile my…

Life and Peace- Week Two

I’ve heard it said that the most valuable real estate is our mind. While I know this is true, most days, I undervalue this particular asset. Instead of cultivating my…