Four Responses to the LIGHT of Christmas

What is the darkest place you have been?  When I think of darkness, I think of the first time I arrived in Liberia, driving to our lodging at night. In…

His Coming – Week Two

The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life…

His Coming – Week One

The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to…

Life and Peace – Week Four

Several years back, I was invited to a post-Christmas gift exchange. The instructions were to re-wrap a present you’d received, but you didn’t want to keep and bring it with…

Life and Peace – Week Three

Peace. A longing in my soul for something that speaks to the pain and trouble of this world. A hope for something that can soothe my brokenness and reconcile my…

Life and Peace- Week Two

I’ve heard it said that the most valuable real estate is our mind. While I know this is true, most days, I undervalue this particular asset. Instead of cultivating my…

Life and Peace – Week One

Early this fall, I gathered with a few close friends. After food, laughter, and sharing our hearts, we opened God’s Word. At the suggestion of one, we worked through Romans…

Wonder and Awe – Week Four

They were unlikely worshipers… Don’t you love that? How God takes unsuspecting candidates and uses them for His purpose? There is no person too poor or rich, too smart or…

Wonder and Awe – Week Three

A few weeks ago, we looked at a worshiper named Anna. Anna spent her days in God’s presence, praying and seeking Him. She spent a lifetime developing the awe and…