Mixed Emotions

Human emotions are a powerful thing – so powerful they change our perspective and shape our actions. Emotions can teach us and help us grow, but they can also overshadow…

A Promise of Renewal

I am amazed by the visual transformation of the world each spring. Outside my front window is a large hydrangea plant. What is a vibrant plant in the summer is…

Influence – Week Three

There is something particularly poignant about praise in the midst of adversity. Watching someone worship God in the good times will encourage me, but observing that same person worship in…

Not Shrinking Back – Week Five

Faith is future-oriented. When circumstances say, “give up,” men and women of faith say, “not me!” Faith presses in and pushes forward, despite all odds. Faith knows that what is…

Not Shrinking Back – Week Four

Faith is about the long game, not the short game.  Your faith is not measured by your accolades but by your character. Faithfulness is about the choices you make, not…

When Work Feels Like Work – Week Five

I’m an achiever. I love the feeling of accomplishing something, of seeing it the whole way through. Checking something off the list brings a certain satisfaction. Seeing results and impact…

A Perspective Shift – Week One

Everywhere you looked, there were hurting people – some blind, some lame, and others sick with disease. All were drawn to this place through the common bond of hope. The…

Life and Peace – Week Three

Peace. A longing in my soul for something that speaks to the pain and trouble of this world. A hope for something that can soothe my brokenness and reconcile my…

Life and Peace – Week One

Early this fall, I gathered with a few close friends. After food, laughter, and sharing our hearts, we opened God’s Word. At the suggestion of one, we worked through Romans…