Lows and Highs – Week Two

Highs and lows. Ups and downs. Mountains and valleys. Triumphs and tragedies. No matter what you call it – we all face them. The times when we are on top…

Summer in the Psalms – Week Three

Earlier this week I met with a group of women I will be traveling internationally with this fall. We spent time talking about how we can best prepare to interact…

Summer in the Psalms – Week Two

Last year my travels took me to several places with no internet or cell service. While I can’t say that I missed the emails or even social media, I will…

Time to Heal

Have you ever tried to find joy but it only seemed to evade you? All of us at one time or another have worked hard to make changes in our…

Time to Enjoy

Have you noticed how fast time passes? Do you ever wonder where your day or your week went? Do you find yourself saying – I cannot believe it is already…

Time to See the Sun

A few years ago I went through a season where everything seemed dark. The days felt long. I felt tired and weary. Life seemed hard. I lacked passion. I was…

Going Deeper With Our Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! As you are celebrating today I want you to know that YOU are one of the reasons I am rejoicing. I love being surrounded by a community of…

The One Who Blesses God

Thanksgiving. A day dedicated to expressing thanks.  Isn’t it interesting that we have a day set aside for something we should be practicing all the time?  But so often, I…

A Reason to Shout

Have you ever looked at something you have read numerous times and it hits you in a new way?  That is how reading the words “shout joyfully” was to me…