A Whisper for the Weary

Elijah was weary. Not just a little weary – the kind of weary where fear is dictating, and doubt speaks loudest. We know this because Elijah didn’t just contemplate running…

Wherever You Are

Even the darkness is not dark to You,And the night is as bright as the day.Darkness and light are alike to you. – David Wherever you are – God is…

Helpful Hiding

You may have noticed, I’ve been silent for a few months.  Initially, I planned to take a one or two-week break from writing. I was attending a conference and wanted…

Unwinding God’s Vision – Week Three

One of the richest women I ever met was poor by earthly standards, but my brief encounter with her was enough for me to know she had everything in life…

Summer in the Psalms – Week Seven

As I rounded the corner, my eyes were immediately drawn upward. Vibrant colors covered the sky as the sun disappeared from site. I continued out onto the veranda just in…

Restore My Soul

As the month of March closed out and April began, I find myself praying this simple prayer, “Lord, restore my soul.” Most of us are familiar with the 23rd Psalm…

A Story of Preparation

Waiting. How do you handle it? Do you get frustrated when things take longer than anticipated? Do you give up when you can’t see the next step? Do you feel…

From Rebellion to Rest

The last few weeks at church we have been talking about the prodigal son. This is probably one of the most familiar stories of the Bible, yet one that no…

When God is Waiting

Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes God is waiting on you? When I think of waiting, usually the first thing that comes to my mind is what…

When We Get Tired

I don’t know if you can relate, but lately, I have been tired. Between change, processing that change, a full schedule, and a good dose of allergies I am worn…