
Have you ever struggled to make a decision? Maybe you over-think or maybe you are impulsive. Maybe you want to know all the details or maybe the details are too much to take in. Maybe you hold back in fear or maybe you allow fear to force you into a quick decision.

For all of us, life is full of choices. And often those choices are accompanied by competing voices. It can be hard to tell what step to take or which voice to listen to. It would be nice if life had simple 1,2,3 formulas or if we could see 10 steps down the road and know the long-term impact of what we are considering today.

While we will never be able to predict the future, God does give us a lot of advice on making decisions. In fact, most of the book of Proverbs is dedicated to outlining the difference between wise and foolishness thinking. To be honest, I don’t love this distinction, because I never really like to think of myself as foolish. But this is reality. The voice of wisdom and the voice of foolishness are competing. They both offer advice and entice us to follow their path, and day by day we are making choices to engage in either wise or foolish decisions.

Listen to how God describes this competition in Proverbs 9. It begins by personifying wisdom as a lady with a strong house full of good things. This lady is calling out to the surrounding city, “Whoever, is naive, let him turn in here!” (Proverbs 9:4 NASB) To all the men and women who lack understanding, lady wisdom promises provision and direction. The person who listens to her voice will add value to their life, draw closer to God, and continue to increase in wisdom.

The thing is lady wisdom is not the only voice. A woman named folly is also calling out to the people of the city. Her words are identical to the voice of wisdom, “Whoever is naive, let him turn in here.” (Proverbs 9:16) She is also making an offer to those who lack understanding. The only problem is lady folly is described as “naive” and “knowing nothing.” (Proverbs 9:13). Everything she offers is stolen and temporary. It looks good on the outside but on the inside is harmful or empty. Her offering brings short-term benefits but long-term pain.

Both wisdom and folly are crying out to us every day. If we are not careful, we will confuse foolish thinking with God’s wisdom. Both are offering to help us in the choices of life. They both promise a good ending, but only one will actually deliver.

So how do we know which voice we are listening to? In James chapter 3, James asks that very question this way, “Who among you is wise and understanding?” (James 3:13) How do we know when we are walking in wisdom? How do we know we are making decisions with insight and integrity?

James answers his questions this way, “Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.” (James 3:13) In other words, the true test of wisdom is gentleness.

I have to admit, when I think of wisdom, gentleness is not the first word that comes to mind. I would think this verse would say wisdom was brave, strong, or powerful. Even though these may all be a part of wisdom, gentle behavior is the distinguishing mark. Why? Because wisdom is not about quick decisions or fancy words. It is not about saving the day or the even fixing the problem right in front of us. Wisdom is reflecting God in our choices. It is living out God’s truth. It is displaying His insight.

Wisdom is displayed over the long-haul. Our behavior is the true test of our choices. Good behavior reveals good motives. Anyone can look wise for a moment, the key is does their life back that up? True wisdom has a calmness, a steadiness, a meekness about it. It doesn’t have to prove itself. It doesn’t have to argue. It doesn’t have to fight. Instead, it is displayed through a gentle spirit.

So, let’s go back to our question. How do we know if we are listening to the voice of wisdom or foolishness? We learn two insights from James:
1. The true test of wisdom is in the behavior it produces. We have to chase down the ending. What will my life look like if I follow this path?
2. True wisdom has an attitude of humility and gentleness. We have to examine our heart.  Does my thinking reflect God’s thinking?

Look at the choices before you today.  Listen for the voice of wisdom.  Recognize the voice of foolishness.

As you make decisions, chase down the ending and examine your heart. God has already promised wisdom to every person who asks. (James 1:5) Now we just need to walk in it.

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