Coffee with Jesus

There are some things in life that I need to be reminded of over and over. At the top of that list is to keep my eyes on Jesus. Not focused on working for Jesus, but looking to Jesus.

Are you familiar with the story of Peter walking on the water? Peter and the other disciples were traveling all over Israel with Jesus. They were working hard, interacting with crowds of people, facing pain and heartache. And they were tired. I can relate. Walking with Jesus is full of amazing miracles, surprising opportunities, and incredible challenges. And sometimes we get tired along the way.

Peter and the disciples boarded a boat and began a journey across a lake. What might have been a quiet journey was interrupted by the stormy sea. The disciples were alert, watching the storm, when they saw something they had never seen before. A man coming toward them walking on the water. At first, they were full of fear, but then the man spoke. The voice was a voice they knew well. The voice of their Master, their Teacher, their Leader, their Saviour. It was Jesus. When Jesus spoke to His disciples, His words were simple and profound, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27 ESV)

Sometimes Jesus appears to us in the most unexpected ways. Even in the times when we are focused on the storms of life, Jesus is there and His voice is calling to us. I wonder how many times we miss Him because our eyes are on the wrong things. How often instead of looking to God are we looking at our problems?

When Peter recognized Jesus, it seems he is filled with an impulse to be with Jesus. Maybe Peter wanted a miracle or to experience Jesus’ power, or maybe he just wanted to walk with Jesus. Whatever the case, Peter called out for Jesus to command him to come out on the water. And Jesus did. Then, while all the other disciples stayed in the boat, Peter walked on water.

Don’t miss the power of that. Peter walked on water. Walking with Jesus, Peter had the same power as Jesus. Stepping out of the boat and focusing his eyes on Jesus, Peter did the impossible. What about you? When is the last time you stepped out of the boat? What miracles have you seen as you follow Jesus? What impossible things has God performed on your behalf?

When Peter was walking on the water, he got distracted. He realized the storm was still raging. Yes, Jesus was there, but so was the storm. The fear returned. He began to sink. Then he did the only thing he knew to do; he called out to Jesus for help. Jesus was quick to respond. He reached out and held Peter. But Jesus also had something to say to Peter. He was brief and straight to the point, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)

It happens to us too. We step out on faith. We see God move. We sense His presence. We feel His power. Then we start to look around. The pain, problems, and challenges are still there. And we begin to focus on what could go wrong, or what is already going wrong. With our eyes off Jesus, we begin to sink, choke on the water, or even drown. Why? Because in the middle of serving Jesus, we have forgotten Jesus.

This is exactly what Jesus remind me of this week. I sat down at a coffee shop to work for Jesus. I had some things I wanted to accomplish. Things that God has called me to do. The only problem is, I was forgetting about Him.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Jesus interrupted me. He reminded me of Peter’s story. How it is a lot like mine. I want to follow Him. I can be ambitious, quick to jump, but I am also quick to forget the most important thing – I have to keep my eyes on Jesus. Instead of sitting in a coffee shop working for Jesus, I needed to have coffee with Jesus. My soul needed refreshing. My eyes needed realigning. My ears needed to hear from Him.

What about you? What is happening in your relationship with Jesus? Are you sitting in the boat, paralyzed with fear? Are you debating on whether to step out in faith? Are you walking toward Jesus, with your eyes focused on Him? Or are you focused on the storms of life, beginning to sink in the water? Wherever you are – Jesus is there. He has something to tell you and something to teach you. You just have to be ready to look to Him and listen.

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