Examples of Excellence

Often the best ways for us to learn something is to see it lived out. Last week we looked at how excellence is a part of God’s character and should be reflected in the lives of each of His children. Excellence is an internal character quality rather than an external objective. Instead of being a standard that we aim for, excellence is a part of who we are. Today, we are going to look at three Biblical examples of excellence.

The first example is Jesus. I know this may seem to be an obvious choice, but the power of His example should not be overlooked. While there are many instances we can point to in Jesus’ life, let’s look at just one.

Jesus was traveling throughout the regions of Tyre, the Sea of Galilee, and Decapolis. During His travels, a group of people brought a man who was deaf and speech impaired to Him begging for the man’s healing. Instead of healing the man right there, Jesus moved the man out of the crowd, put His fingers in the man’s ears, touched the man’s tongue with His own saliva and called out to heaven. Then at Jesus command to “be open” the man was immediately able to hear and to speak clearly.

The Bible tells us the crowd was astonished and said: “He has done all things well; He makes even the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” (Mark 7:37 NASB) Notice that Jesus had a good reputation. When He did something He did it right. He continually displayed God’s power. He ministered healing.

What about you? When people watch your life can they say those same words? Are you known for doing all things well? Does your life display God’s power?

Let’s look at another example. In the Old Testament, there is a book titled after a woman named Ruth. Ruth was a widow from the nation of Moab, but she moved with her mother-in-law Naomi to the nation of Israel. Ruth was faithful to Naomi and faithful to God. She was also a hard worker. The Bible tells us Ruth went into the fields in order to provide food for herself and for Naomi.

When Ruth went out she followed a practice called gleaning. As the Jewish workers would harvest the field they would only gather each row once. The remaining crop was left for the poor and needy to glean food from. As Ruth worked, she landed in the field of a man named Boaz, and God gave her great favor with Boaz.

When Ruth made a request to Boaz, listen to how he responded, “Now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.” (Ruth 3:11) For Ruth, excellence did not come in fame or position but through her reputation. Many people might not think you can display excellence in a menial job, but Ruth proves that wrong. Despite being a foreigner who had to glean in the fields to make a living, her good character made her known to an entire city as a woman of excellence.

There is one more example I want us to look at. This one is found in Exodus 31 within the instructions for building God’s tabernacle. Here we read about two men, Bazalel and Oholiab. God describes them as skilled craftsman. In fact, God explains that He put skills in these two men that prepared them to design the tabernacle. God had very detailed instructions and standards for how He wanted His place of worship designed, but He also called and equipped two men specifically for this job.

God has placed specific skills inside of each one of us too, and just like Bazalel and Oholiab, God has called us to use our skills to build His kingdom. When we confidently use our gifts well, we display God’s excellence.

As I have reflected on these three examples, I see some key lessons on living out excellence. Excellence is:

  • Knowing what you are called to do. (And knowing you cannot do everything.)
  • Committing fully to your calling. (Instead of holding back.)
  • Allowing God’s Spirit to fill you. (And knowing you cannot do it on your own.)
  • Growing and increasing in your skills. (Instead of choosing to coast.)
  • Staying humble. (Not taking the credit for yourself.)

I hope that as you reflect on these examples you are encouraged to pursue a deeper level of excellence in your life. Remember, excellence always begins and ends with God. True excellence in our lives is a result of God’s power and in turn should always point to God, not our own abilities.

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