God Sees, God Knows, God Cares

Sometimes I forget. Then I worry, getting caught up with the little things and spending too much time on the what-ifs.  I forget that:

God Sees
God Knows
God Cares

Everything we are facing, God sees.  He knows every struggle, every desire, every need.  And He cares.  Because of this truth, we should think and live differently. 

Just like us, Jesus’ disciples were prone to forget.  That is why in Luke 12, Jesus lovingly reminds His disciples of the truth.  Here, we get an inside look at Jesus’ challenge to His disciples to exchange one way of thinking for another.

Jesus challenged them not to worry.  Why?  Because life is so much more than what we can see.  It is more than food, clothing, and all the other externals that can quickly grab our attention.  And the reality is, it doesn’t matter how much time, energy, or effort we put into worrying.  It won’t change our situation one bit.  We can worry for hours, days, months, or even years.  But in the end, we can’t even add a single hour to our life by worrying.

Jesus challenged them to observe the world around them.  Look at the flowers in a field.  They are beautifully clothed.  If God can clothes the flowers that are only temporary, many of them never even seen by human eyes, then surely He will provide for the needs of His children.  Look at the birds.  They don’t have grocery stores or barns to keep food for the future, but God provides every meal for them.  And God’s children are so much more valuable in God’s eyes then the birds.

Jesus challenged them to seek God’s kingdom.  It’s universal, people everywhere are worried about their income, what they will eat, where they will stay, how to take care of their family.  But God’s kingdom expands far beyond all these things. Instead of focusing on our external needs, Jesus calls His disciples to focus on the internal and eternal.   When we focus on God’s priorities, then God promises to take care of our needs.  And as we focus on God’s kingdom we begin to realize the day to day worries of life really aren’t as significant as we thought.  True significance and security are found in God and His kingdom.  And that kingdom He generously and gladly gives to us.

Today, Jesus is lovingly speaking the same message of truth He spoke to His disciples.  God sees, God knows, God cares.  So why worry? Take that energy and put it into God’s priorities.  Only what you invest in God’s kingdom will last forever.

“And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about the other matters?”
Luke 12:25-26

“For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows you need these things. But seek first His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.  Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.”
Luke 12:30-32

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