Going Backwards
I have a childhood memory of lying on the ground unable to catch my breath after having the wind knocked out of me. It was a scary moment of feeling both paralyzed and helpless. In a similar way, life can knock the wind out of us from time to time. One moment everything seems to be going well, we think we are making progress, then boom – all of the sudden we feel like our feet are taken out from under us. Whether its financial hardship, health challenges, family drama, or internal struggles, the unexpected circumstances can take us by surprise and leave us with that same sense of paralysis and hopelessness.
I have been thinking a lot about Joseph’s story. In Genesis 39 his life was thrown upside down… again. Here he is, a slave, but choosing to work hard and honor God. God gives him favor and in turn his master trusts him explicitly. Despite the fact that his family betrayed him, that the vision God gave him is not reality, that he is forced into slavery, Joseph chooses faithfulness and loyalty. Then one day while he is working, the master’s wife attempts to seduce him. Joseph acts in honor and quickly flees from her. But she twists the circumstance and spreads the lie that Joseph assaulted her.
The same master who trusted Joseph is now outraged and without hesitation throws Joseph in prison. We don’t know what Joseph was thinking in this moment, but I know myself well enough to know that if I was in his place, I would have had a lot questions. “Is this the reward I get for my hard work?” “How is it possible the people who I worked so hard for can be the betray me so easily?” “I thought I was making progress, but now it looks like I have moved further away from God’s call on my life.”
Literally, it appeared that Joseph was going backwards. He is called to rule, and he moves from the position of a servant to a prisoner. But there is more to life then what can be seen on the surface. As the Bible describes Joseph’s situation, we are told that God was with Joseph and extended kindness to him. God gave him favor. And when we look to the end of Joseph’s story we see it is through the people that he connects with in this prison that God brings his dream to pass.
When life takes you by surprise, remember, God is not surprised. What seems like the wrong direction is still under His control. He knows the end of the story. We need to choose to trust. And to learn from Joseph’s example to find comfort in God’s presence, to embrace God’s kindness, and to live out God’s favor any and everywhere God places us.
Thanks so much for the reminder of what Joseph modeled so well…when you can’t see the Hand of God trust His Heart ❤️