He’s Lying to You

I remember one of my college roommates telling me how an older professor would walk past her in the hallway between classes. Seeing her talking with her boyfriend, the professor would pause in front of them, look at my friend and say, “He’s lying to you. He’s lying to you.” At the time, the professor’s teasing words gave us a good laugh.

Now many years later, I still remember those words, “He’s lying to you,” not because of my friend, her boyfriend, or the professor, but because I believe those are the words God is speaking to me. I am so quick to forget that I have an enemy. An enemy who knows how to look good, who twists the truth, who wants me to get off track. And I allow my mind to fill with questions, doubts, and fears. Using the same words as that quirky professor, I believe God is speaking this warning to me and to you, “He’s lying to you. He’s lying to you.”

In my roommate’s case, I am not sure her boyfriend was actually lying to her, but how many women (and men) have been deceived in the context of relationships? In what seems to be a safe place, they let down their guard, and choose to believe, only to find out over time that the person they trusted, was misleading or lying to them.

We too, believing we are in a safe place, can be unaware of the lies that are wrecking our lives. Most of the time it is easy for us to spot a blatant lie, just like it is easy to spot extreme danger. Unfortunately for us, the lies of the enemy can seem a lot more like the words of a friend. The Bible describes Satan as an angel of light. He is a liar; in fact, God calls him the father of all lies. At times his lies may be subtle, but everything he does is rooted in deception.

Recently, I heard a message where the speaker challenged us to ask the question, “who told you that?” When thoughts enter our mind, we have to question the source. Is that thought rooted in truth? Does it come from God, or is it my own self-centered thinking, or even the voice of the enemy? If we are not guarding our thoughts and considering the source, the lies will move from our minds into our attitudes, words, and actions.

Let me give you an example. Last week, I was listening to someone share a devotion on God directing our steps. My mind starting thinking about some of my dreams and desires that are still just that, dreams and desires. Considering this, I started asking, “why?” As I began to question, a lie was planted in my mind, God is holding out on you. For the rest of the day, that lie worked its way in, distracting and distressing me. I allowed myself to doubt God and His plan, and in turn, I was full of discontentment. This discontentment robbed me of the joy of that day. Instead of being fully present, I missed out.

That same evening, as I was processing my day, God reminded me. “You have an enemy who is lying to you. He is lying about who you are. He is lying about who I am. The enemy wants to destroy. He wants to rob you of today. He wants to rob you of all that I have for you.”

The lies may differ, but the strategy is the same. Our enemy is the father of lies and he is continually lying to each of us. But our heavenly Father is a God of truth. While we have an enemy who wants to destroy us, we have a loving Father who desires only good for us.

Examine what you are thinking today, and ask that powerful questions, “who told you that?” And when you ask, be ready for God’s answer.

No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14 NASB

You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44 NASB

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NASB

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