How’s Your Heart?

Today, I want to talk about something that is so important, yet often overlooked. If I was sitting with you one-on-one I would want to ask this question – how’s your heart? Take a minute to think about it. Do you know the true condition of your heart? Is it healthy, in rhythm, and strong? Or are there irregularities or blockages building up?

In Proverbs 4:23 (NASB), the Bible warns us, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” When I read these word I hear – pay attention! Take action! God has given us a clear assignment – to watch over our hearts. The language used here paints a picture of someone who is guarding, keeping secret, or putting up a blockade. And if that is not strong enough, we are told to watch with all diligence. The word diligence has its roots in the idea of confinement, jail or prison. In other words, guard carefully what you guard.

A little bit of attention to our heart is not enough. We need serious focus and serious intentionality. It is not dissimilar to our physical heart. When our physical heart is healthy, we function well. But when it is unhealthy we typically have warning signs. Just like it is important to recognize those physical warning signs, we need to learn to recognize the warning signs for an unhealthy spiritual heart.

Let’s go one step deeper. By far, the best indicator for the health of our heart are the words we speak. Yes, that’s right – our words. Like a person who ignores shortness of breath or chest pain, we often want to ignore the indicators signaled by unhealthy words. But if we want to be healthy, we cannot ignore the warning signs. Luke 6:45 “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”

What we say is a direct reflection of who we are inside. When our mouth is spewing out angry words, gossip, complaining, and grumbling it is simply an overflow of our heart. The same is true for when we speak loving, kind, uplifting, and encouraging words. When we speak genuine and positive words those come from a heart that is healthy and in line with God’s heart.

As much as we want to blame our words on our circumstances or other people, the reality is they are shaped by one source – our heart. Like a person who is experiencing signs of a physical heart problem might submit themselves to a stress test, our circumstances serve as a stress test to show to the true condition of our heart.

If you are like me, there are many seasons you try to tell yourself you are doing great, but the reality is inside you are filled with negativity, judgment, or hopelessness. I usually try to plow through and pretend everything is okay, but eventually what is inside my heart comes out. There are days I justify the unkind words that come out by covering them with excuses – I am tired, they understand where I am coming from, we all have our moments, anyone would be frustrated with this situation… And I could go on and on.

I have found when I ignore the “small” out of place comments, that one day, usually with surprising force, words flow out of my mouth that I immediately wish I could retract. What was harbored in my heart is now out in the open and has hurt someone or some group of people I care about. If only I had stopped to work on my heart earlier I could have avoided a lot of pain.

So let me ask you again – how is your heart?

Is it healthy – producing good things and life-giving words? Or is it struggling – producing unhealthy and negative thoughts and words?


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