Learning from Loneliness

Lonely. A small word with a lot of meaning. Sometimes it is used to causally to explain a need to be around people. Other times it is used to express the sadness of being cut off from others or the hurt that comes from isolation.

Lonely. A word that few of us want to describe ourselves. Not many have set it as an ambition or a goal. Yet, it is a word that has come to define too many of us.

Lonely. It is a word that has I am familiar with. While it certainly does not describe every day, there are many situations or seasons of my life that could best be described by that word – lonely.

Loneliness comes…

On the days I come home to an empty house but wish it was full of people.

In the moments I long to talk to someone, but I feel like no one can relate.

On the days that are crammed full of interaction, but none of it reaches past the surface.

When I look to the future but don’t see anyone walking with me.

In the moments when I am pouring out into others, but no one is pouring into me.

When I am surrounded by people, but never really connecting to anyone.

Loneliness is not limited to days of isolation. It is a condition of our soul. It points us to something way beyond the surface.

Loneliness can destroy us or it can teach us. It can define us or it can show us that we were created for relationship. We all know there is something intuitively wrong with being lonely. We are not meant to walk alone, live independently, process life solo, or achieve everything on our own.

Loneliness has surprisingly become one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given.

Loneliness led me into a friendship with God. A friendship deeper and more powerful than I could ever imagine. A friendship that gives my life a purpose far beyond what I could have dreamed. A friendship that makes a quiet night or even a quiet season a gift. A friendship that makes every other friendship stronger.

“I have called your friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 NASB

Loneliness. The very thing I feared brought me face to face with the God of the universe. The very thing I tried to avoid pointed me the One who can provide for my deepest need.

“Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11

Loneliness. What will you learn from it? Will it stop you? Or will draw you into the greatest friendship you can ever experience?

“God makes a home for the lonely; He leads out the prisoners into prosperity, only the rebellious dwell in a parched land.” Psalm 68:6


  1. JoAnn Auger

    Thank you for that reminder! Being in God’s presence takes away the loneliness and replaces it with joy and contentment.

  2. Bonnie Russman

    Great insight, Amber. Thanks for the reminder that I’m not the only one!

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