Let’s Go

“Turn left at the stick.” Those were the words of our guide as we traveled through the African countryside. Directions that you don’t hear every day. Directions that took us off the “beaten path” so to speak.

Last week I was in Liberia with a team from my church. One day, the ministry leaders invited us to go see the property they had purchased. They have a vision for youth outreach and expanding their current ministry. So we piled in two SUVs and set off down the road. After about an hour we reached the end of the paved road and transferred to the dirt road. And when I say dirt road, I am talking about a road full of holes, standing water, and ditches.

It was on this dirt road that the driver asked one of our team if they wanted to drive and we transferred to an American driver. Three Liberians were seated in the back of our vehicle and the rest of us Americans held on for the ride. Every now and then, the guides would give a little direction – turn left at the next sign or a bridge is coming up. We went on this way for quite some time, then reached the stick.

The stick was a marker for us to turn, and so we did. Now, I have to tell you, that without that stick, we would have never even seen the opening. What at one time had probably been a pathway was now overgrown. However, if you looked very carefully you could see a little sand or tire tracks to mark the way.

Our driver, who I admire greatly, did an amazing job of navigating the road, or lack thereof. Most of the way we were driving through grass as high as or higher than our car. Just to make sure we hadn’t lost our way, about every 10-15 minutes the driver would call to the back of the vehicle to see if we were still on the right path.

Each time the driver questioned, our African friends gave the same reply “let’s go” or in Liberian English what sounds a little more like “leh-go.” In those two simple words, in essence, they were saying: keep on going, you’re on the right path, we are paying attention, and will let you know if you lose the way.

So, trusting our guides, on we went. Eventually, we came to a clearing and arrived at our destination.

In thinking back on that day, I feel like it was a gentle reminder from God. Why? Because, honestly, some days I feel like I am on that road. The one that you can barely see. The one that the grass is higher than I am. The one that I wonder if I have lost my way. But God, my guide, is saying “let’s go.” He knows the way. He knows I am not lost. He knows what is up ahead.

What about you? Has your life taken you on an unexpected path? One you didn’t see coming? One that surprised you? Maybe like our Liberian guide, God has given you an unusual direction, a “turn left at the stick” surprise pathway. Or maybe you are having a hard time trusting you are actually going somewhere.

I want to encourage you. When you can’t see, God can. Trust Him. When He says, “let’s go”, you can keep going with confidence.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)

Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

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