Lows and Highs – Week Two

Highs and lows. Ups and downs. Mountains and valleys. Triumphs and tragedies.

No matter what you call it – we all face them. The times when we are on top of the world and the times when we aren’t sure how we are going to get out of bed. Interestingly, often these moments or seasons come wrapped up together. We are rejoicing over good news and it is not long before bad news roles in. Or we are struggling through a situation and then we are given a gift that brings joy and renewal.

Just this morning I was reading about the last days of Jesus’ life, when He gathered the disciples around and fed them the Passover meal. As they celebrated this traditional Jewish holiday, Jesus knew what was coming. In a few short hours one of His own would betray Him. Then He would face court trials, beatings, and eventually a cruel death. And in this hardship, instead of supporting Him, most of His followers would run and hide in fear.

It struck me as I read this account that as Jesus offered both the bread and the wine – He gave thanks. Yes, He knew the pain that was coming. But He knew more than that. He knew God was good, true, and right – in every single circumstances. That God had a plan and that as God’s Son, He was called to fulfill that plan. Jesus knew there was another side to the pain. He knew that the time of tragedy was not the final outcome. His death, His blood, His sacrifice, His tears – they were for the salvation of world.

Even though I have never faced the level of pressure or pain that Jesus did, these words challenged me – He gave thanks. What a model Jesus provided for us. Life is not always clean cut. The situations we face are full of good and bad. People who love us and people who hurt us. Things that go our way and things that decidedly do not. The question is how do we react? What we do in the midst of our pain and problems?

In Hebrews 12 we are exhorted to “fix our eyes on Jesus” when we face trials and challenges. As we grow and expand our faith, He is our example on how to endure. The author describes Jesus’ perspective while facing the cross this way – “for the joy set before Him” (Hebrews 12:2 NASB). Jesus was able to to give thanks and experience joy despite excruciating physically, emotional, and spiritual pain. Why? Something greater was before Him. He could endure the pain because of what was on the other side.

What about you and me? What do we see when we look at what is in front of us? Do we only see the tragedy and trials? Or are we able to see the hand of God? Are we overwhelmed? Or do we have hope for the future? Have we given up? Or are we able to trust God for the outcome?

Today, wherever you are, whatever you face, God is there. So in your lows and highs, downs and ups, valleys and mountains – remember to look to Jesus’ example and give thanks.

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