Not Impressed – Week Four

Over the past few weeks, as I have been reading and reflecting, one word continues to surface – listen. With that word comes a struggle. I mean a real struggle. Listening, not just hearing words, but honestly leaning in with our heart, soul, mind, and strength takes intentionality and hard work.

The words of Ecclesiastes 5:1 challenge me, “Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools.” (NASB) God is reminding me that He is not impressed by how smart I am, how good I am, or by my well-honed negotiation skills. Rather than flood His presence with my words and ideas, He is inviting me to take another approach.

So, morning after morning, I have been telling God I am ready to listen, while at the same time realizing that as much as I want to believe that, I am resisting.

I have been pondering, why is it so hard for me to listen? Breakthrough comes through honesty. So, while this list is undoubtedly non-conclusive, it is a beginning.

1. Silence reveals my restlessness. Even though silence is often something I crave, I also find it is something I resist. When everything is quiet, I realize how much I fill my time with things. Things I tell myself are essential, while I am avoiding the chaos in my soul.

2. When I slow down, I begin to see who I really am. Stripped of noise and countless things to do, I must face myself. But often that shows me someone who I pretend that I am not. I like to think I am strong, brave, and loving, but listening to God can reveal otherwise.

3. The disappointments and frustrations that I try to shove away come to the surface. While I work hard to avoid admitting it, there are days when I am hurt and disappointed by God. I feel He didn’t come through or answer my prayers. In His presence, He surfaces these hurts.

4. Slowing down to listen to God reminds me that I don’t have all the answers. Listening is often a surrender. Though I want to think I am capable and know how to make things happen, the truth is I need God.

5. I like control, credit, and capability. As I read God’s word, worship, and listen, I remember how big He is. Much bigger than me, my plans, and my achievements. Listening reveals the pride and selfishness of my heart. I want God’s plan to be something I can control instead of surrender to Him.

6. Dreaming scares me. Listening to God challenges me to hope again, to pray hard, and to dream big. But that also opens me to potential future hurt and disappointment. I don’t want to be wrong. I want certainty. But God calls me to faith.

What about you? What holds you back from listening to God?

Yes, silencing our soul and opening our hearts to God can be hard, painful, and challenging, but let’s lean in. Let’s press in because it is always worth it. In His presence is peace, hope, and joy.

As we embrace listening, we remember there is more to life than what we see, comprehend, or understand. God is at work, His work stretches eternity, and He is inviting you and me to join Him.

Who is the man who fears the LORD?
He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
His soul will abide in prosperity,
And his descendants will inherit the land.
The secret of LORD is for those who fear Him,
And He will make known to them His covenant.
My eyes are continually toward the LORD,
For He will pluck my feet out of the net.

Psalm 25:12-15

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