Pressing Pause

I am guessing I may not be the only one who has felt more than a little weary recently. Weariness comes in multiple forms and can originate from loss, health challenges, taking on too much, selfishness, laziness, spiritual decline, poor choices, or simply observing and experiencing the world around us. 

As I have wrestled through weariness, I am learning to normalize the experience. This world is not easy, I am far from perfect, and my life will never be problem-free. And let’s not forget, God never promised us our journey would be easy (in fact, He said just the opposite). 

Even realizing that weariness can be par for the course, I know it is not where I want to stay. So I have been asking God, what now? How do I rest and refresh? How do I find physical strength? How do I move forward with all the things in my heart? How do I make an impact?

In my questioning, I sense the Spirit of God urging me to press pause. 

I wrestle. Pause? Did I hear you correctly?

God, what about all the things you asked me to do? What about using my spiritual gifts? What about reaching my goals?

Again, I sense God challenge me to press in and, yes, to hit pause.

Here is the hard truth. Weariness is not overcome by doing more. We cannot work our way out of exhaustion. Instead, refreshment of our soul comes in the stillness of God’s presence. 

I find comfort in the familiar words of Isaiah 40:28-31 and encourage you to read them now. 

Isaiah’s words here address the people of Israel as they question God’s control. And they speak to me about the very things I need to hear in my tiredness.

  • God is Everlasting – He has no beginning or end
  • God never gets tired or worn out
  • God is full of understanding and strength, and He offers that to the weary
  • No person is exempt from wearing out – even the healthy young person in the prime of life
  • Whenever we wait on God, we gain new strength
  • God’s supernatural power will give us the energy to run again
  • This time, through God’s renewal, we run without wearing out

Our renewal comes in waiting on God. Waiting implies not only stopping our efforts but also expressing trust. 

I find that when I wait on God, He changes me. And this season has been no exception. Like so many other times, I want to fix things, but God sees the deeper level. 

For now, “pressing pause” is more than a moment. It is a season God is calling me into. 

I don’t know exactly where the pause will take me or how it will transform me, but for now, I understand that pausing means:

  • Surrendering to the fact that I don’t have the strength to do everything I want to do, and knowing that is okay
  • Learning that I am only responsible for what God has put in my hand, not for meeting my own or other’s expectations
  • Submitting to God and seeking Him 
  • Embracing open doors and opportunities that were not in my original plans
  • Re-evaluating my priorities with a willingness to let things go
  • Praying and believing for God to work on my behalf

What about you? What does it look like for you to press pause and lean into God today?

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