Prove It!

“Prove it!” Classic words of challenge. Just think how many heated discussions come to a climax when these words are uttered. It is one thing to have a strong verbal argument, but words are rarely enough to be convincing. It might sound good, but most people don’t believe it until they see the proof. Words can be twisted, arranged, and manipulated. To really make a point the convincing has to move beyond ideas and into solid reality. For someone to adopt a new idea, change sides, or give in to another person, they need proof.

It is interesting that the Biblical writer James challenges God’s people to “prove themselves.” Listen to his pointed words, “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” (James 1:22 NASB) It is one thing to say you believe God, but another thing to live like you do. Is it one thing to talk about God, but another thing to let His power change you. It is one thing to say you love God, but another thing to display that love.

Following Christ is more then an intellectual exercise. If we just listen to good teachers or read Christian literature that does not mean we know God. In fact, even reading the Bible ourselves is not enough. James warns us that if we just hear God’s words, but never put them in to practice we are simply deluding ourselves. God is not a good luck charm or a quick fix. If we read God’s word and simply walk away we may temporarily feel better, but in the long run, we are deceiving ourselves. We are using God’s word to boost our mood or our morale, but we actually don’t understand God at all.

God’s word is powerful. It is true. When we read His word, it speaks to us. His words are given for interaction and relationship. His words reveal who He is. They show us who we are. They give us hope. They provoke change. And they should always draw us closer to Him.

What does it look like to take the challenge to “prove it!”? How do we move from being hearers to doers? A few keys to remember are:

1. Read it. Change always begins with truth. You cannot become a doer of God’s word without spending time in His word. Set aside time to read and study.

2. Go slow. We live in a fast-paced world. We want to fit God in, spend a few minutes with Him, and move on to the next thing. To really know God and His word we have to spend quality time.

3. Listen openly. It is easy to try and make God’s word affirm us and what we want out of life. To really be transformed, we have to be willing to listen to Him, and sometimes what He says may not be what we want to hear.

4. Be practical. When we listen, God will speak to us. When He shows you something to do, an attitude to change, or a behavior to remove – don’t over-complicate things, just start doing it. Take an immediate action step.

5. Keep going. Being a doer of God’s word is not a one-time choice. Every day we have to keep listening, learning, and walking forward. Don’t give up. God definitely will not give up on you.

Just like any other area, if we want people to believe our faith is real, we have to live it out. Hearing about God or dialoguing about Him is not convincing proof. Faith is rooted in action. God’s people display Him when they put His word into practice.

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 NASB

Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
Proverbs 30:5 NASB

The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
Psalm 19:7 NASB

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