Stepping Out Into Your Calling
“Calling” is one of those words that people interpret in many different ways. Some think of calling as being set apart for ministry; some believe all people have a calling. Others have said calling is over-hyped and not individually applied to God’s people today.
I personally believe that God has uniquely gifted every person He created and that part of following Jesus is discovering and living out your life calling. When Paul spoke to a group of philosophers in Athens, He shared about the God who created all things and is worthy of all worship. Paul explained God as “He gives life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.” (Acts 17:25-26 NASB)
Our God is creative and intentional. He formed each of us individually and determined the exact time He wanted us to live. In Psalm 139, David describes how God created us in the womb – fearfully and wonderfully. Before our birth, God wrote out our days and ordained our purpose. Ephesians 5 teaches that through Jesus, we can move from death to life, living out good works that God prepared for us.
Sadly, too often, God’s people fall short of God’s calling. While I cannot pretend to know all the reasons for this shortfall, I can share a few I have observed:
- We think calling is for the super-spiritual people
- We have no idea what God’s calling is, even though we really try to understand
- We feel inadequate
- We are prideful and try to do everything in our own strength
- We don’t want to grow and develop the character required for our calling
- We get distracted by other activities
- We let fear hold us back
- We don’t like to fail
- We don’t know how to get started
- We don’t see things lining up as quickly as we think they should
From my experience, calling is something that unfolds over time. While some people know the direction their life is headed from a young age, most of us discover as we step out. And even when we know the big picture, God rarely fills in all the details. Living out God’s calling is a journey of faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Faith is about seeking God AND anticipating God to work.
Recently, I had lunch with friends. One of them challenged me to take risks. He reminded me that following God takes out-of-the-box thinking, declaring our calling, taking steps of faith, and going against the flow of what others expect. His words resonated with me because they describe what God is stirring in me these days. I have been pondering, learning, and preparing for a new season for several years. Now, I am at a crossroads. I know it is time to step forward and walk by faith.
Too often, we cling to false humility and piousness that claims to be waiting on God and staying away from pride, but it is just an excuse to stay where we are comfortable. This morning, I was reading The Calling Journey: Mapping the Stages of a Leader’s Life Call by Tony Stoltzfus, which addresses this very topic, “True humility is being willing to be known for who you really are, good and bad. Presenting yourself as less than who you are usually comes out of a need to look good and get strokes for being so humble, out of fear that if you really say who you are you will be rejected, or the fear that you won’t be able to do what you say you can do.”
For me, living out my calling today means stepping into something new. I don’t know the end result, but I know that I am making more time to invest in other leaders. I am focusing on helping God’s people rise above the daily grind and fully engage their calling. I am actively sharing that I speak, coach, and consult. I am planning a collaborative event for women leaders right where I live. And I am actively praying and seeking God’s favor, direction, and blessing.
What about you?
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