Summer in the Psalms – Week Four

This summer we are diving into the book of Psalms, listening to God and committing to refresh, renew, and re-center. Something I am learning (yet again) is that when my heart is most aligned with God’s heart I am most at rest in my spirit. There is a peace and joy that only comes when I am living my life out of God’s mission.

There have been many days when I thought I was aligned with God’s mission, when in actuality, my heart was off track. Even though I was doing good things, inside I was much more interested in my progress, success, or comfort. Spending time in God’s word helps me evaluate my motives and align myself with God’s heart.

Last week we looked at Psalm 100 and how gratitude is undeniably the culture of God’s kingdom. We can never engage God’s presence without a heart of thanksgiving, and the more we spend time in His presence the more joyful and grateful we become. This week we are going to explore Psalm 96 and look at how expressing gratitude shapes our mission and calling. As we develop a heart of praise, not only will we draw closer to God, gratitude will transform who we are and change our focus.

Let me show you what I mean. Psalm 96 begins with a command to praise God – singing to Him, blessing His name, and proclaiming the good things He has done. The thought continues, “Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among the peoples. For great is the LORD and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.” (Psalm 96:3-4 NASB) Do you see the shift from our personal praise to our public declaration of who God is?

Not only does God have a great love for you, but He has a great love for the entire world – every person, every village, every tribe, every nation. Remember Jesus last words before He ascended into heaven? “You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) Jesus’ followers have been charged with a global mission.

Psalm 96 continues, “all the gods of the people are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.” (Psalm 96:6) Our God, the Creator of all the earth, stands in contrast to every other religious figure. He was not formed by man, but instead, He is the one who formed mankind. When we truly recognize how great our God is, it changes the way we think and how we live. We speak differently, we think differently, and we have a new purpose – His purpose.

I am grateful to be a part of a church that has a global focus. My pastor, Gabe Turner, says it this way, “Any vision that does not involve reaching the world for Christ, is just too small.” What about your vision? What does it include? How are you impacting the nations?

Over the past year between my church and the mission organization where I work, Advancing Native Missions, I had the opportunity to take five international trips. From Africa to Cuba to Mexico I was able to see how God is working around the world. One of the most impactful moments for me was at an evening of worship in Cuba. Our church team and our ministry partner church plus many members of the community gathered together to celebrate God’s work in Cuba. The room was overflowing with people. As I stood at the back of the crowd watching and worshiping, I felt the power of God. As English and Spanish, American and Cuban praise blended together, it was almost like I could feel God’s joy.

The book of Revelation paints a similar picture on a much grander and greater scale. One day, every tongue and tribe and nation will be gathered before Jesus, crying out alongside the angels in praise and adoration to Him. (Revelation 7:9-11)

Look at Psalm 96 again, “Worship the LORD in holy attire; tremble before Him, all the earth. Say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns.’” (Psalm 96:9-10) Praise ushers in the presence of God – in our personal time with Him, as we gather with other believers, and as we lift up our voices among the nations.

So what about you? What does it look like for you to proclaim God’s glory to the nations?

Some of you may be actively involved in God’s global work, while for others you may need to expand your vision. If you aren’t sure what this could look like or how you can make a difference, here are a few possibilities:

  • Look for opportunities to volunteer in your church or the community where you live. Think about how can you serve and share God’s love. Loving the world begins with loving God and moves to loving the people right in front of you.
  • Pray. Pray for your neighborhood and community. Pray for your country. Pray for the world. Pray for individual nations and people of the world.
  • Support a friend or family member who is going on a mission trip or serving with a mission organization.
  • Consider financially supporting an international mission and church leaders as they reach their nation for Christ. (If you aren’t sure where to give, you may want to check out the organization I serve with:
  • Look for an opportunity to take an international trip to see how God is working and encourage local mission and church leaders.

God’s heart is for you and God’s heart is for the nations. As you spend time with God this summer, ask Him – How can you impact the nations? How is He working? How can you join Him?

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