Summer in the Psalms – Week Seven

As I rounded the corner, my eyes were immediately drawn upward. Vibrant colors covered the sky as the sun disappeared from site. I continued out onto the veranda just in time to see the nearby volcano enveloped with pink, purple, and red. No picture could capture the moment, no words can describe the beauty.

When I set out with my team for Nicaragua, our purpose was definitely not site-seeing, but the beauty of the country was impossible to miss. From lush tropical plants, brightly covered flowers, active volcanoes, lagoons, and now this beautiful sunset – God’s creativity was on display.

One of the greatest testimonies of God’s existence is the intricate yet expansive design of creation. In his letter to the Romans, Paul says it this way, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20 NASB) From every corner of the earth, all people everywhere can see God’s goodness as they look at what He has made.

I am reminded of Psalm 65:8, “they who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; you make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.” (Psalm 65:8) Think about that for a minute. When the early morning sun rises or the evening sun sets on the horizon, it is as if those rays of sun are expressing joy – dancing, splashing color, and writing their message in the sky. Each morning and evening there is a new display, with no two alike.

Psalm 65 continues with many examples of God’s handiwork seen throughout the earth:

  • He formed the mighty mountains
  • He stills both the waves of the sea and the turmoil of the people who live on the earth
  • He visits the earth and brings abundance
  • He causes the steams to flow with water and the fields to produce grain
  • He settles the land and brings rain
  • He blesses the ground with growth providing abundant harvests
  • Even the untouched wilderness is watered
  • The hills are clothed and rejoice
  • The meadows and valleys sing and shout for joy

The same God who carefully designed and created the world is the same God who hears your prayers and the same God who invites you into His presence. Look at what the beginning of Psalm 65 says, “O You who hear prayer, to You all men come… How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts.”

This summer as we have walked through the psalms together, we have committed to refresh, renew, and re-center. One of the best ways to connect with God and find this renewal is to spend time in His creation.

Recalling the beauty of the Nicaraguan sunset and reading this poetic psalm caused me to pause and ask two questions:

  1. How many expressions of God do I miss as I rush through life?
  2. If the sun is freely expressing joy before God, what about me?

When is the last time you slowed down to enjoy the sunset, stop for a scenic view, or admire God’s handiwork?

Does what you see in creation remind you to praise God? Do you see His power? His design? His wisdom? His creativity? And when is the last time you have freely and openly expressed that praise?

Look around you. God is inviting each of us to see, experience, and express His joy.

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