Summer in the Psalms – Week Three

Earlier this week I met with a group of women I will be traveling internationally with this fall. We spent time talking about how we can best prepare to interact with a culture very different from our own. Even though it could be easy to question or criticize, we want to go with a mindset to learn from the people we are visiting.

Whether we pay attention or not, culture is everywhere – within our nationality, our community, our family, and our workplace. Sometimes culture is carefully crafted, while other times culture forms with little intentionality or thought. With cultural awareness, we are able to see how culture has shaped us and to recognize differentiating aspects of people and organizations we come in contact with.

Just like when we to travel internationally, we need to pay attention and adapt to a new culture, as we spend time with God we should be learning more about His character and His ways. Today, as we continue in our Summer in the Psalms series, we are going to look at one cultural aspect of God’s kingdom.

Psalm 100 is all about our relationship with God, His goodness, and how we should worship and serve Him. Look at verse 4, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name.” (Psalm 100:4 NASB)

When we come to God, we should come with praise. In the opening words of the Psalm we see this same theme emphasized – “shout joyfully”, “serve the Lord with gladness”, and come before Him “with joyful singing.” (Psalm 100:1-2)

Gratitude is undeniably the culture of God’s kingdom.

We can never engage God’s presence without a heart of thanksgiving, and the more we spend time in His presence the more joyful and grateful we become. The reverse is also true. When our hearts are full of bitterness, complaining, and ingratitude we create walls that block us from enjoying God’s presence and favor. The more we engage in negative thought patterns, the more ungrateful and unhappy we become.

As simple as this sounds, there are many days I have not embraced God’s culture of gratitude. I have focused on what I see going wrong, how others have hurt me, the things that disappoint me, or where I have fallen short. When I allow these negative thoughts to cloud my thinking, it is amazing how quickly they overtake my life. Before long, I find myself distant from God wondering what went wrong.

On the other hand, when I choose to see the beauty in today, the precious relationships God has given me, and the many, many blessings – the tide changes. When I express my thanks to God, I am amazed at the peace that overcomes me.

Maybe you find yourself wondering – what about the times when life seems to be falling apart and it is hard to find the good? What do we do then? This is a critical question because we all face days when it is hard to be thankful. In these moments, we have look above our circumstances and focus our eyes on something greater.

In verses 3 and 5, the psalmist points us to the ultimate foundation for our gratitude. He reminds us that God created us and we are His children. He is always good, always loving, and always faithful. Despite what we face, God never changes. His character is unfailing. Even when it seems like life gives us nothing to celebrate, we can always celebrate God’s love for us.

God has invited each of us to know Him and to learn His ways. He wants to give us wholeness and healing that is found only in His presence. In turn, we can come before Him with joy, gladness, and thanksgiving.

Let’s look to Him and bless His name, and see what He will do.

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