When You Feel Inadequate – Week One

You might be one of those people who have it all together, who always feels confident, who knows exactly where you going. If you are – I am truly happy…

The Deep Work – Week Four

I was sitting in a crowded airport, entertaining myself during a long layover, when I read these words. Words that cut through the noise and met me right where I…

The Deep Work – Week Three

Have you ever noticed how small things can make a huge impact? I remember years ago hearing a speaker at a leadership training talk about the power of 1 degree….

The Deep Work – Week Two

Easy rarely yields great results. I wish it weren’t so, but it’s true. The outcomes we see in almost any area of life have a direct connection to the work…

The Deep Work – Week One

God wants to do something in and through you that is much greater than anything you can imagine. How do I know this? Because He told us. There are many…