Not Shrinking Back – Week One

The famous chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, is preceded with these words, “But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to…

When You Feel Inadequate – Week One

You might be one of those people who have it all together, who always feels confident, who knows exactly where you going. If you are – I am truly happy…

The Deep Work – Week Three

Have you ever noticed how small things can make a huge impact? I remember years ago hearing a speaker at a leadership training talk about the power of 1 degree….

The Deep Work – Week Two

Easy rarely yields great results. I wish it weren’t so, but it’s true. The outcomes we see in almost any area of life have a direct connection to the work…

The Deep Work – Week One

God wants to do something in and through you that is much greater than anything you can imagine. How do I know this? Because He told us. There are many…