That Stubborn Pride!

I’m sure I am not the only one who has spent a lot of energy arguing a point I was 100% convinced was correct only to find out later I was wrong. Yeah… not the best feeling when realize you made a fool of yourself stubbornly fighting for the wrong position. But we have all done it.

Stubbornness can get us in a lot of trouble. It comes when we dig our heels in, convinced we know best and are unwilling to listen to what anyone else might say. And the thing about being stubborn is that very rarely will we admit to it or own up to it. There is always some excuse, some reason, some pressing issue that we think overrides all else.

Stubbornness does not always come in the form of a child throwing a temper tantrum or a person yelling at the top of their lungs. Stubbornness is a way of thinking. We can be calm, controlled, and even kind, but if we are unwilling to listen, then we are displaying stubbornness.

If we are not careful our stubborn pride can ruin relationships, break down trust, and destroy our credibility. It can lead us in the wrong direction, leave us isolated, and bring about serious consequences – all things that we can easily avoid if only we choose to listen.

Stubborn pride is not only a huge danger to our personal relations, it is also perilous to our relationship with God. Listen to the first words of Isaiah chapter 30, “Ah, stubborn children…” (Isaiah 30:1 ESV) God is talking here to the people of Israel who over and over refuse to follow His instruction. He goes on to describe these stubborn people, “ who carry out a plan, but not mine, and make an alliance, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin.” (Isaiah 30:1 ESV)

So what was happening here? God’s people were afraid. Out of fear they set up a plan to protect themselves. They made an alliance with the mighty nation of Egypt, convinced the Egyptians were powerful enough to keep them safe. The only problem was they didn’t consult God. They didn’t look to Him or ask for His advice. If they had, He probably would have reminded them that years ago the Egyptian people held their ancestors in slavery. He probably would have warned them going back would give Egypt the upper-hand again. He would have revealed that by asking Egypt for help and making an alliance, Israel would be in their debt. It would only lead to shame and disgrace.

The people of Israel were focused on the one thing they thought they needed most – safety. Instead of turning to God they came up with a common sense solution but did not weigh the consequences. And once they came up with their plan, they were so determined to carry it out they refused to listen to God’s wisdom. They had their own method for ensuring their safety and forgot that God was their protector.

Sound familiar? It is more familiar to me than I would like to admit. Way too frequently I get a plan in my mind and am so focused on executing that plan, I fail to realize I might have the wrong goal.

You know, most of us are not stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. Most of us don’t set out to rebel against God. In fact, many of us really want to please Him. But still, we find ourselves stubbornly forging our own path. Why is this? Something I have observed recently is that most of my self-made plans come in times when I don’t see what God is doing. When God is leading me in a direction I want to know all the details. I want a step by step plan.

My desire to have a precise plan is usually not God-ordained. In fact, most of the time I add details to God’s plan that God never intended. And then, the scary part is, I am so focused on the details that I added to the plan, I don’t realize I have left God out of the equation.

Sometimes my planning is driven by my desire for safety like the people of Israel. Sometimes it is a need for recognition, financial stability, love, security, or significance. Whatever the source, I begin to focus on my own way of gaining each of these things. And really, the things I want are not always bad. But I am going about it all wrong. I am making my own solution and forgetting that God is the one who meets my needs. If only I would be still and listen, then God would show me the dangers of going my own way and would show me the right way to go.

What about you? Is there an area of your heart where you are holding out for your own way? Is God looking at you saying, “Ah, stubborn child.” If so, will you turn to Him? Will you listen to His advice? He is there, ready and waiting for you to turn to Him.


  1. Renee Lilly

    Good word! I especially love the insight that we can even be kind yet sinfully stubborn, unwilling to really consider a different view!

    1. Amber

      Thanks Renee! Yes, I have to remember that stubbornness can have it’s disguises.

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