The Danger of Underestimating Your Power

Power. It can be used for the greatest good or the greatest evil. Look at leadership. We see amazing leaders who use their influence to help, build up, and restore others. On the other hand, we see leaders who use their position to oppress, take advantage, or to control others.

Think about natural forces such as water or fire. Water is essential for life, but it can also cause mass destruction through flooding. Fire is used for warmth, to cook, and to create energy, but when not properly contained can consume buildings, forests, and even human lives.

I am confident that the majority of people underestimate the power they hold. Each of us has the ability to influence and impact for great good or great harm. God has given each of us a powerful tool and we have to choose how to use it.

Listen to what Solomon, known as the wisest man in his day, said in Proverbs 18:21 (NASB), “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” When I really stop to think about the implications of this verse, it stops me in my tracks. I have the gift of life and death. To be honest, I don’t think of myself as a powerful person, and you may not think of yourself that way either. However, every one of us is given the powerful tool of speech. Through our speech we do one of two things – give life or give death.

One of the most dangerous things to do with power is to overlook the damage that power can inflict. That is why you and I have to pay attention to our tongue. In James chapter 3, James describes the tongue this way, “the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course our life, and is set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6)

What a description! The words I say have the potential to do the greatest of harm. James compares our tongue to the bit in a horse’s mouth or the rudder on a ship. Both the bit and the rudder are small in size but set the direction of something much larger. Our tongue may be small in size, but it is great in power. What I say determines the future of my life. When my tongue is out of control, I am setting a negative direction for my life.

My guess is that everyone one of us desires a good future. We want to make a positive impact, we want to serve God well, we want to love others, we want to leave a legacy. But are we on the right path? Or are we destroying our own future with our own tongue?

Listen to what Proverbs 14:1 says, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” Today, are you building up or tearing down? Do the words you say match the future you desire?

What are you saying to yourself? To God? To others? And what are you saying about yourself? About God? About others? God has entrusted you with the power of life and death. The question is – how will you use your power?

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