The Deep Work – Week Three

Have you ever noticed how small things can make a huge impact?

I remember years ago hearing a speaker at a leadership training talk about the power of 1 degree. He asked – do you know the difference between 211 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit? That 1 degree is the difference between water and steam. With that small change, the water is transformed and becomes strong enough to power a steam engine. If we apply that same principle to our lives, we recognize that even a small amount of growth can change the trajectory of our businesses, our families, or even our spiritual lives.

Over 2019 I have been asked to speak several times on the topic of the Holy Spirit. In studying, God keeps pressing me to look inside – to go deeper. To use the illustration above, I am learning what is currently in my life that is holding me back from moving from 211 to 212 degrees. Or in other words, I am discovering what keeps me from seeing the power of God released in my life.

One tool God has used to teach me is a little book written in 1903 called Quiet Talks on Power by S.D. Gordon. In a very simple and straightforward way, the book explores the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus followers. Each time I read through, I am challenged to draw closer to God.

This time, as I worked through the pages, one simple passage stood out to me. Gordon tells the story of a town in Colorado whose water was sourced from a nearby lake. For years, the town was provided with an abundance of clear, sweet water. Then one morning, as the townspeople turned on their faucets – nothing. Quickly, the men went to the lake to see what was happening, but the lake was full and they couldn’t find any break in the pipes.

No matter how hard the people tried, they couldn’t figure out what had stopped the water supply. As days turned to weeks and months, the once-thriving town declined. Then, one day, a note was sent to the town informing them that if they would simply pull out a plug in the pipe, their water would run freely again. In response, the people explored the suggestion and found that someone had inserted a small plug in the main pipe several inches down. Once that small blockage was removed the water began to flow and the town began the thrive again.

This small Colorado town is a perfect picture of many of our spiritual lives. God is a continual and unending source that will never run out. Yet, despite the fact we have unlimited access to God’s power supply, we are not experiencing power or spiritual life. Why? Because the channel is blocked.

As Gordon concludes the story, he invites the reader to pray a simple prayer inviting Jesus to show them anything in their lives that is displeasing, that He wants to change. To tell Jesus whatever it is, whatever the cost, we will remove it. And then Gordon assures, “You may be sure that He will. He is faithful. He will put His finger on that tender spot surely.”

If you and I want to experience the flow of God’s power, we have to remove anything that is in the way. This is not just big things, but small things too. Thankfully, not only is the Holy Spirit available to connect us to God’s power source, but He also examines our heart, soul, and mind to help us find the blockage.

What about you? Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to search you? Are you willing to look deep within and figure out what is blocking your heart and life from experiencing the flow of God’s power?

Keep in mind, a small thing, one little degree can make all the difference.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NASB)

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