The Master Gardener – Week Three
This morning as I prayed and reflected, I journaled the question – how do I know when it is Your Spirit or my spirit, Your plans or my plans? Jesus taught us that if we abide in Him, we will bear fruit. But how do we recognize that fruit?
Too often, I confuse my standard of success with God’s blessings. When I don’t see certain things happen, I feel like I not on the right path. Or the reverse – I see measurable results, and I associate that with the favor of God.
In John 15, Jesus describes our Heavenly Father as a vinedresser, caring for his vineyard. In this picture, followers of Jesus are likened to the vine branches – receiving care from the gardener and life from the vine. Each branch is expected to bear fruit. When it fails that purpose, it is cut off from the vine. When it serves that purpose, it is cultivated to become even more fruitful.
As followers of Jesus, God is cultivating us to bear kingdom fruit. But how do we know when we truly know we are walking with God, full of the Holy Spirit, living like Jesus, and bearing fruit?
What is the fruit of God?
First, we need to understand God’s definition of fruitfulness. Jesus explains, “He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NASB) God’s fruit is just that – something produced in our lives that is of God, something that we could never conjure up on our own, something that is supernatural.
Being good and making the right choices is not what Jesus is talking about here. God’s work is much more than a moral code or behavior modification. In Ephesians chapter two, Paul emphasizes this distinction. He reminds us that salvation is not a result of anything we can do. Without God, we are helpless, and His work leaves no room for personal gratification or boasting. But as a result of God’s grace, each of God’s children has a path of good works to live out. God’s plan for you and me is a life of fruitfulness.
Often the Bible directly connects the concept of the fruitful Christian life to the Holy Spirit’s internal work. Probably most well known is the Galatians five teaching on the fruit of the Spirit. True love, joy, and peace are supernatural. Romans 8:6 explains, “the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace.” The most definitive evidence of God’s presence in our lives is the Holy Spirit’s transformational power.
How do we recognize God’s fruit in our life?
Jesus continues His teaching on the vine and branches by answering this exact question. “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.” (John 15:9) A disciple of Jesus is marked by:
- Prayer – ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you
- Love – love one another, as I have loved you
- Obedience – you are My friends if you do what I command
- Joy – May my joy be full in you
This morning, as I asked God how I know when I am walking by His Spirit, He reminded me that His favor is not measured by the size of my house or my bank account, neither is it measured by my position, notoriety, or achievements. Too often, I am looking at the wrong measures, and as a result, chasing after the wrong things.
God is searching my heart. His measure of fruitfulness is my love for Him, my dependence on Him, my love for others, and my contentment today. What a beautiful reminder! My measures of success are based on circumstances and my strength, which are undependable. But God’s fruit is possible in any place and any season because His source is steady, strong, and never-ending.
How do we produce more fruit?
I don’t know about you, but I tend to over complicate things. I beg God for direction, vision, and next steps. I cry and plead for Him to work in my life. I wonder how I can please Him and what His will is. Sometimes, I picture Him lovingly shaking His head at my confusion. The answer to my questions is simple – I need to abide in Him.
The fruitfulness of God is not about where we are in life. It is about our connection to Him. Amidst the many things I cannot control, there is one thing I can – my relationship with God. Even the most demanding times and the darkest places cannot remove God. Instead, these can be the seasons where I grow to know God deeper and bear even more fruit.
When you consider the fruit of God, how does your life measure up?
Maybe you are discouraged and feel like you are falling short. The good news is, God is ready and willing to help us grow. In Luke 11, Jesus promises that if anyone asks the Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit, He will answer. If you are ready to go deeper, invite Master Gardener in. Draw close to Jesus. Let go of your way. Listen to the Holy Spirit. And do what He says.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:25
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