The One Who Blesses God

Thanksgiving. A day dedicated to expressing thanks.  Isn’t it interesting that we have a day set aside for something we should be practicing all the time?  But so often, I go through my day, without expressing gratitude.

I remember as a child being reminded to say the magic words, “please” and “thank you.” Thank you was an easy phrase, a practiced reaction, or an obligation.  But over time, I have learned that gratitude is much more than just words.  Gratitude has to be sincere. And gratitude has to be expressed.

Sincerely expressed gratitude makes an impact.  You know, those times that touch your heart.  I think of the raised hands and intense gaze of an elderly woman our team visited in Cuba, a note of gratitude I received from a friend, or a conversation with someone thanking me with tears in her eyes.  As each of these expressed their appreciation it worked its way into my soul. Helping me see my purpose.  Helping me understand that I can make a difference.  Helping me take another step forward on the journey God is calling me to.

Sincerely expressed gratitude stands out.  How unusual and how refreshing when someone talks to you just to say thank you.  It is easy to complain, find the problems, or overlook the people surrounding us.  Almost everyone is doing that.  But a much smaller group of people actually slow down and pay attention to see the beauty surrounding them. These people use intentionality and boldness to speak words of praise.

Sincerely expressed gratitude should mark God’s children.  In Psalm 100:4 we are reminded how we should come to God – with thanksgiving and praise.  When we know God, we know He is good.  He is faithful.  He is true.  He is unchanging.  We can go on and on about His character.  As God’s children, we always have a reason to praise Him. And we always have countless reasons to give thanks.

Sincerely expressed gratitude blesses God.  If you keep reading verse 4, we are told we should give thanks and bless God’s name.  Did you get that?  When we come into God’s presence with thanksgiving – we bless Him!  When “name” is used here, it is referring to God’s reputation, fame, and glory.  Expressing your thanks to God honors His reputation, proclaims His greatness, and brings Him glory.

Today, on the day dedicated to giving thanks, take a minute to ask yourself the question: Am I one who blesses God? The one who blesses God is the person who comes into His presence full of thanksgiving.  The one who has a heart overflowing with sincere gratitude.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5 NASB

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