Unplanned Challenges

Have you ever noticed how challenges seem to come out of nowhere? For many of us, these challenges produce doubt. They cause us to wonder if we are on the right path, if God is really with us, or if we have what it takes. But what if these very challenges are also opportunities? Opportunities to walk in faith, lean into God, and grow stronger.

Last week we talked about God’s favor and a woman named Esther. Let’s take a look at time in Esther’s life when she faced an unplanned challenge. At the advice of her cousin Mordecai, Esther kept her Jewish nationality a secret and adjusted to life in the palace as the queen of Persia.

Meanwhile, Mordecai frequented the king’s gate. When a rising leader named Haman gained power, Mordecai was faced with a choice. Haman demanded that everyone at the king’s gate bow down to him. Mordecai refused to bow down, choosing to honor God and his Jewish traditions instead of giving in to Haman’s pressure.

As you can imagine, power-hungry Haman did not respond well to Mordecai’s decision. Upon finding out that Mordecai refused based on his Jewish heritage, Haman turned his rage to the entire Jewish people. Using his influence, he worked with the king to enact an edict “to destroy, to kill and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, women and children, in one day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month.” (Esther 3:13 NASB)

Before long, the news of her people’s plight came to Esther along with a plea from Mordecai that Esther would use her influence with the king to save the Jews. In addition to the horrific situation of the Jewish people, Esther was now faced with a personal crisis. Even though she was queen, Esther only went before the king based on his initiation. In fact, appearing before King Ahasuerus without being summoned was punishable by death. And remember, the previous queen was banished for life as a result of not obeying one of the king’s whims.

Esther related her concerns about going to the king, and Mordecai responded with these powerful words, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:13-14)

Esther had a choice. God was giving her an opportunity to participate in the salvation of her people, to use her voice and influence to stand up for the Jews. Or she could give in to fear and protect her own freedom. Esther chose to rise to the challenge. As a result, the Jewish people were saved from annihilation.

Sometimes, like Esther, the favor of God will take you by surprise by bringing you unplanned challenges. Every challenge we face presents us with a choice. Will we rise up and face the problem head on? Will we honor God? Will we face our fears? Will we see the opportunities God has before us? Or will we give in to fear, anxiety, worry, defeat, or denial?

Take the words Mordecai spoke to Esther and apply them to your challenge. Who knows whether or not God has you in this specific place “for such a time as this.” Who knows how God wants to work through you. Who knows who God wants to touch through you. Who knows the good your challenge can produce.

What choice will you make?

To see another example of when God’s favor provided someone with an uplanned challenge, check out these blogs about the life of a man named Joseph.
Where Dreams Begin
The In Between
Going Backwards
Rising Above

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