Walking Together

If your life is anything like mine it is full of highs and lows, ups and downs. There are days when I fill full and sense God’s presence in a powerful way. There are other days when I am confused or discouraged and God seems distant. In the days of confusion and discouragement, sometimes I need another voice to bring clarity. I need someone to affirm God’s calling, give me perspective, and cheer me on. I need a friend.

Remember that verse we looked at last week, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NASB) I know from personal experience when I face a low season I stay there a lot longer without a friend to lift me up.

A friend is one of your biggest encouragers. A friend is the one walking with you through every season, rejoicing in the victories and supporting you in the challenges.

This week, I want to a look at another example of Biblical friendship – Paul and Barnabas. These two men walked together on an amazing journey. God led them into an adventure all over the world. Together they planted churches, encouraged the hurting, faced persecution, and experienced God’s powerful presence.

Looking at their friendship, one big lesson stood out to me – A friend is the one advocating for you.

When we read about Barnabas the first time, he is introduced as a man the apostles called Barnabas, the one whose name means son of encouragement (Acts 4:36). He was a man respected by the church. He was generous, he was an encourager, and he was faithful.

While Barnabas was faithfully encouraging the church, his future friend Paul was actively trying to destroy the church. Paul was entering the homes of Christians, dragging them to prison, and turning their world upside down (Acts 8:3). But then something happened. Paul’s own life was turned upside down. Jesus, the very one Paul was fighting against, appeared to Paul.

After coming face to face with Jesus, Paul was never the same. He went from a great persecutor of the church to a radical preacher. It is not hard to imagine that at first, this was a little hard for the church to comprehend. The man who was infamous for destroying them was now claiming to be on their side. Instead of embracing this changed man, most people were afraid of him and did not believe his story (Acts 9:26).

But remember Barnabas, the encourager, he had a different perspective. Not only did he choose to believe Paul, he stood up for Paul. Listen to how the Bible describes it, “But Barnabas took hold of him and brought him to the apostles and described to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had talked to him, and how at Damascus he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.” (Acts 9:27 NASB) Right after this encouraging word from Barnabas we read that Paul spoke boldly again and preached the gospel all over Jerusalem (Acts 9:28).

Before anyone else saw God’s hand at work in Paul’s life, Barnabas saw. And Barnabas didn’t just stand on the sidelines, he was an advocate for Paul. I love this moment of Barnabas and Paul’s story. I could be wrong, but I believe this was a defining moment for them. It was a moment when Paul thought he was alone, but then suddenly there was someone by his side – a friend. A friend willing to stand up and speak up for him. A friend that recognized how God was working and wasn’t afraid to speak the truth. And that friend standing for him encouraged him to take a bold stand for God, living out His calling.

Who has been that friend for you? The one who was speaking for you in a moment you desperately needed an advocate? Don’t take that person for granted. Be sure to thank them or maybe even reconnect with them.

Who have you been that friend for? And who can you be that friend for today? God has called all of us to be encouragers, just like Barnabas. Don’t miss your opportunity to be an advocate for your friend or that opportunity to begin a friendship that will change your life.

As I started writing about Paul and Barnabas, I realized there was more I want to share. I hope you will join me next week. Click here to sign up for future blogs and also to get your free download of The Power of a Blessing, a short book on speaking life-giving words.

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