When Less is More – Week Two

Not too long ago, I was in a season of feeling sorry for myself. I sensed God calling me to a season of deeper prayer, but my prayers didn’t seem to be making an impact. In fact, quite the opposite. From my perspective, things seemed to be going in precisely the wrong direction.

During that time of struggle, God used the story of Gideon to encourage and challenge me. In week one, we looked at the Bible’s introduction of Gideon – an ordinary man carrying out an everyday task in an everyday place. But in that mundane, the extraordinary happens – God appears and gives Gideon a calling to lead Israel into battle against Midian. 

Surprisingly, Gideon, this seemingly ordinary man, blows the trumpet, sends out messengers, and gathers an army. I find this to be pretty impressive – despite his doubts, Gideon obeys God and somehow pulls together 32,000 men.

But God was not impressed.

Instead, God tells Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give Midian into their hands, for Israel would become boastful, saying, ‘My own power has delivered me.'” (Judges 7:2 NASB)

Wait a second! It is almost like God is saying – you did too good of a job. From our earthly perspective, Gideon was on track to complete God’s assignment. Yet, God wasn’t happy. What was going on here? At the end of the day, God intended for Gideon and the army to know that it was His power and His power alone that won the battle. 

Often God strips down before He gives the victory. He takes away in order to multiple. He brings us low to prepare us to go high. 

Maybe you are doing your best to live out God’s way, but instead of seeing an increase, you are experiencing loss or reduction. Don’t be discouraged. It is very possible that God is setting the stage to display His power in your life and situation. 

Back to Gideon… 

God told Gideon to tell anyone afraid they could return home. Considering the impending battle, it is no surprise that many men were full of fear. Before long, Gideon’s army shrank from 32,000 to 10,000 men. 

God reviews the smaller crew and comments, “The people are still too many, bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there.” (Judges 7:4)

God gives Gideon another reduction strategy at the water’s edge, and the army diminishes to 300 men. Now, from God’s perspective, they are ready. 

Gideon’s story illustrates for us that in God’s economy, less is most often more.  God’s methods don’t always make sense. They usually don’t follow a predictable pattern. But they always point to His glory. 

When we follow God, He will constantly challenge us to let go of control and to put ourselves in situations far beyond the limits of our abilities and resources. He is setting the stage for what I have heard called “only God” moments. 

God used Gideon’s story to remind me that sometimes in following Him, we can become consumed with our strength, skills, and abilities. We can be so focused on serving Him that we miss Him along the way. We can worry and obsess with the “how” and miss Who we are serving.

The truth is God wants us focused on Him. So often, like with Gideon, He will strip down, pull back, and reduce. He takes us low so that He can show off His power. 

If you are discouraged today, look to God and examine your heart. Maybe, just maybe, God is setting the stage for victory because He knows that less is most often more.

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