When You Need Encouragement

We’ve all had that day, or realistically those days, when we are feeling discouraged.  When we’d rather stay in bed then face the world. For whatever reason, we feel like we aren’t good enough, we don’t have what it takes, we are alone, or everyone is against us.

I find when I am discouraged, I start looking inward for the solution.  And that can be dangerous. If I am not careful I start over-analyzing my life, becoming overcritical of everyone around me, and before I know it I am not only discouraged but completely overwhelmed.

A few weeks ago, I was at a memorial service for a man known for his love for God and people.  Story after story was shared about how he was an encourager.  At just the right moment, he would give a gift, share a word, or give a gentle rebuke.  This man, Gordon Shira, was such a spiritual influence and leader that most people in the room lovingly called him Dad Gordon.  Sitting there listening, a principle stood out to me.  One man shared that Dad Gordon often told him, “When you are discouraged, encourage someone else.” And that was truly how he lived.

A simple practice with huge impact. What if every time I was discouraged instead of introspection and pity, I focused my energy on finding a way to encourage someone else?

Encouragement comes through relationships – our interaction with God, the people we know, and even those we don’t.  Too many times when we are discouraged we move into isolation.  And while there are many benefits found in quiet and rest, there is also a refreshment that can only be found when we connect our lives with other people.

When you find yourself discouraged, look around and ask who can you encourage today? That one simple practice may not erase all your discouragement, but it starts you on a path.  A path that rises above the moment.  A path that sets the tone for your day.  A path that gives life. A path that opens the door for influence.

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.

I Thessalonians 5:11

But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Hebrews 3:13

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