Where Dreams Begin

Recently, I have been reflecting on some personal dreams.  Dreams I believe God gave me, but I have not seen come to pass.  And I wonder why does it seems so difficult and uncomfortable?  How do I move forward?  Who do I talk to?  How do I know this is from God?  And on and on…  While, I still don’t have answers to all my questions, God reminded me that I am not the only one who struggles with my dreams.

Enter Joseph.  Joseph’s story is found in the Bible starting in Genesis 37.  Joseph is 17 years old and the 12th son of Jacob.  His family has a lot of drama and rivalry, and we are told Joseph is his father’s favorite.  And Jacob made sure everyone knew how much he loved Joseph.  Not surprisingly, the rest of the family was jealous.  This jealousy developed into hatred, even to the point they could not even have a friendly conversation.  In the midst of this, God begins speaking to Joseph about his future calling.  He gives him two dreams.  In Joseph’s dreams he is ruling over his brothers as well as his father and mother.

When Joseph receives the dreams, it appears he is not sure how to process them.  He quickly, probably unwisely I might add, shares them with his family.  I am not sure what reaction Joseph expected, but he is quickly rebuked and hated even more.  Even his beloved father criticizes and questions him.  And before long, his brothers bind him up and sell him into slavery.  The dream fulfillment is off to a rough start.  Not only has Joseph been mocked, instead of ruling his brother he is overpowered and rejected by them.  The Bible does not tell us what Joseph was thinking, but I can imagine he had some questions on his mind regarding what God was up to.

Fast forward 13 years and Joseph is elevated to second in command over an entire nation.  Between the first dream and the fulfillment were many years, many challenges, and many chances to give up.

What about you?  Is there a dream God has given you for your future; yet when you look around you, life seems to be moving in the opposite direction?  Don’t give up.  Choose to see the beauty in the place where dreams begin.  Dreams may start with lots of questions, but just like any other growth in life, living out your dream is a process.  Trust God and lean into Him.  He is there; He is working; and He is good to those who wait on Him.

“Now he had still another dream, and related it to his brothers, and said, ‘Lo, I have had still another dream; and behold, the sun and the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.’  He related it to his father and to his brothers; and his father rebuked him and said to him, ‘What is this dream that you have had? Shall I and your mother and your brothers actually come to bow ourselves down before you to the ground?’”

Genesis 37:9-10


  1. Lynn Parker

    I am so proud of you. Thank you for this message. I look forward to see His dream fulfilled.

  2. JoAnn Auger

    Good reminder! I’m still holding onto a couple dreams. Thanks for tb encouraging words!

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