Wonder and Awe – Week Four

They were unlikely worshipers…

Don’t you love that? How God takes unsuspecting candidates and uses them for His purpose? There is no person too poor or rich, too smart or unintelligent, too lacking or talented for God to transform. No one is beyond His reach.

The gospel of Matthew is written from the perspective of a man who could be labeled as an unlikely follower. He was a tax collector – despised by his people, working for the Romans, cheating to get ahead. But that didn’t stop Jesus from stopping at his tax booth with the call to follow. Matthew understood the power of Jesus to transform a life. He knew from personal experience that one encounter with Jesus could change everything.

Back to those worshipers – Matthew tells their story. While Jesus was born in a little Israelite town called Bethlehem, God’s work was not limited to the nation of Israel. At the same time, in a foreign land far to the east, a star appeared – not just any star. This star was a sign.

A group of men known for their wisdom in science and astronomy took notice of this heavenly message. Right there as they were carrying out their profession, God was speaking. To their trained eye, this new light signaled a significant work of God – the King of the Jews was born.

As the story tells us, these men didn’t let this opportunity pass. Instead of merely making observations, what they saw moved them to action. They set out on a journey to find this baby and worship Him.

Their journey was probably difficult, likely expensive, and most definitely long. Based on the men’s knowledge of God’s promises, they first traveled to Jerusalem. It was clear the city knew nothing about the birth of this new King, but thankfully the scribes and religious leaders pointed them to the prophecies of the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem.

As they moved toward Bethlehem, the star they had seen back east appeared again. Matthew tells us, “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” (Matthew 2:10 NASB)

Isn’t that beautiful? After a long journey, unsure of their next steps, and confusion over whether they could find this Messiah – a clear sign appeared. God was still guiding their journey. He had not forgotten them.

Following the star’s direction, soon they arrived house and saw young Jesus and His mother, Mary. The search was complete. “They fell to the ground and worshiped Him.” (Matthew 2:11) Then they presented gifts of great value – gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The story of these unlikely worshipers not only reminds me to worship, but it reminds me that God is working in unlikely ways. And that He loves each one of us personally.

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are in life; God is calling out to you.

How will you respond?

Will you follow in the step of these wise men? Men who saw God’s sign and dropped everything, who followed God with determination. Men whose journey brought them face to face with God and were not too proud to worship. Men who were full of awe and wonder.

Will you pay attention to how God is working in the lives of those around you? Don’t overlook those you think are unlikely candidates. Don’t underestimate what God can do. And don’t miss out on how He might want to use you to bring His light and love in a dark world.

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