Wonder and Awe – Week Three

A few weeks ago, we looked at a worshiper named Anna. Anna spent her days in God’s presence, praying and seeking Him. She spent a lifetime developing the awe and wonder of God. When Jesus’ parents dedicated Him at the temple, Anna immediately knew her Savior.

That day Anna was not the only one or even the first one who recognized Jesus. There was also a worshiper named Simeon.

Simeon was no ordinary man. In a day when most people had forsaken God, in a time when God’s voice was rare, he was full of the Holy Spirit. And God has spoken a specific message – Simeon would see the Messiah before he died.

At the very time Joseph and Mary brought Jesus into the temple, God led Simeon to the same place. The moment he had been waiting a lifetime for occurred and no one had to tell Simeon this eight-day-old child was the Son of God.

The Bible tells us that Simeon took Jesus into his arms and praised God. “Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32 NASB)

Simeon’s story is a story of faith. A story of waiting. A story of trusting. A story of God’s faithfulness. A story of a long-awaited promise fulfilled.

We don’t know how old Simeon was when he encountered Jesus, but his words lead us to believe he was not a young man. I wonder how many times he had walked up those temple steps hoping that day would be the day he would see the Savior. Despite many years of watching and not seeing God’s promise fulfilled, Simeon continued to believe. He lived a life that pleased God.

I want to be like Simeon – not losing the awe and wonder in the waiting. I want to have a heart that is full of praise, even in the ordinary days. I want to continue to anticipate God’s work, even in the times when God seems silent. I want to believe and trust because I know my God is faithful.

Simeon’s example of faith reminds me of another man – Abraham. Much of the book of Genesis tells his story, and countless times the New Testament points us to his example of faith.

Abraham left his homeland and spent a lifetime moving toward the land of promise. God told Abraham his children would be a mighty nation, but year after year, he was without a single child. Then, long after he and his wife Sarah lost the ability to bear children, God worked a miracle. Isaac was born. And, many, many years later, Jesus was born into the family of Abraham. The Savior and the blessing for all humankind that God had promised came.

Listen to how the book of Romans describes Abraham’s faith, “In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken.” (Romans 4:18)

Hope against hope. That is true faith.

Simeon could have given up. Abraham could have stopped believing. But these two men never quit looking for God to work.

Their example challenges me to keep hoping and to keep believing.

What God speaks, He fulfills. What God promises, He brings to pass.

Life presents us with many opportunities. We can find reasons to doubt and question God, but we can also choose hope and faith.

In this season of Christmas, renew your sense of awe and wonder. Believe God. Spend time in His presence. And never stop watching for Him to fulfill His promises.

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