Your Preparation Starts Now
I am not a runner. And by not a runner, I mean if you see me running, you probably should join me, because something is seriously wrong. But despite my lack of experience, I know this much about running, a race is not just won on race day. It is all in the preparation and training. When a good runner signs up for a race, they don’t just block out a day on their calendar, they set an extensive training plan. They put in place goals, milestones, and challenges that take a lot of time, discipline, and focus.
Though fairly unlikely, let’s say I decide to run a marathon… what would happen if I showed up to the starting line having decided I was going to be a runner, but I had not taken the time to train? It is safe to say, I will fail. It doesn’t matter how excited I am about the concept of running, how many articles I read on running, how much I thought about the race, or how expensive my running shoes are. If I never started to run, I am not ready for the race. Unfortunately, many of us try to live our lives like this. We have a goal or a vision that we want to accomplish. Maybe we pray about it, read books about, talk to others about it, but we never take the practical steps to grow and develop ourselves.
Look at Joseph (Genesis 37-40). At age 17 he has a dream that he will be a ruler. Then next thing he know, he is a slave. Even though Joseph’s dream seemed very distant, he began to cultivate his leadership skills. Right where he was, Joseph found opportunity to grow into the man God had called him to be. Before long, Joseph was unjustly put in prison. But here he continued growing in his leadership ability. Both his master and chief jailer trusted Joseph and gave him great amounts of responsibility. Joseph’s faithfulness and discipline challenge me. He did not say, “this is not what I am called to do, so I guess I just need to wait on God to open up doors for me to rule.” No, instead, Joseph knew his calling, and saw each day as a way to prepare for that calling.
I wonder if right now, God was to open the door you have been waiting on or answer that request that has been so heavy on your heart – are you ready? Have you prepared yourself? Have you taken the opportunities right in front of you to grow spiritually or cultivate your gifts? Or are you like a person who wants to run a race, but has never taken the time to train? The truth is often we see waiting on God as a passive activity. But waiting on God is anything but passive. Waiting on God means you know what God has said and you believe it will come to pass. And you live your life in way that is actively pursuing God’s promises. Your preparation starts now.
What action step do you need to take to strengthen and grow yourself? I love what Jim Elliot said, “wherever you are, be all there.” Today, God has you right where you. Be all there. Fully engage. Learn to serve, to lead, to teach, to help or whatever God has called you to. Train today so you can fully compete in the race God has laid out for you.
“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.”
I Corinthians 9:24-27
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