Influence – Week Three

There is something particularly poignant about praise in the midst of adversity. Watching someone worship God in the good times will encourage me, but observing that same person worship in hard times brings depth and validity to my faith.

On my last visit with a dear friend and mentor, she was in hospice care. Ruth was barely lucid, and I am sure, in much pain. But she was not yet done serving God. As I stood at her bedside, she opened her eyes, reached out for my hand, and prayed for me.

I firmly believe the words she prayed were rooted in worship and an expression of the Holy Spirit’s power. Her voice, strong and clear, claimed God’s favor in my life. Her petitions matched desires I hadn’t expressed to anyone, including her. That day, just like many others, Ruth influenced my life for the good. She pointed me to Jesus through her example of faith and love.

Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring Psalm 71. The writer, much like Ruth, was in the later season of his life. As he reflected, one common theme shone through – God was His rock and worthy of continual praise.

This man’s life was not one of ease and comfort. It included dark days – when enemies spoke lies and plotted his death, saying, “God has forsaken him; pursue and seize him, for there is no one to deliver.” (Psalm 71:11 NASB)

Instead of turning from God or believing the voice of his enemies, the psalmist pressed into God. When he could have questioned everything, he proclaimed, “As for me, I will hope continually, and I will praise you yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your salvation all day long; for I do know the sum of them.” (Psalm 71:14-15)

Imagine the impact this man had! The Bible tells us his enemies were ashamed. While they taunted him and questioned God, this man pressed in, stood firm, and increased his praise.

When the psalmist spoke of God’s goodness, he had credibility. He backed up each word he said with a lifetime of worship and faithfulness. Because this man could honestly claim God has always been his rock and fortress, he could challenge the next generation to stand firm and not give up. Listen to his words, “I will come with the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, Yours alone.” (Psalm 71:16)

I am thankful for the examples of countless men and women, like this unnamed man and my friend Ruth – pictures of faith that grow stronger in trials and lives that I can follow after.

What about you? How do you respond to the hard times? Are you living a life today that opens doors for you to testify of God’s goodness? Do you seek God and love others even when circumstances seem to defy His presence?

For most of us, praise is not our first response when life goes in what we feel is the wrong direction. But what if these days are the very days God has ordained for us to show off His glory? What if our biggest opportunity to impact others comes through our most significant challenges?

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