Lows and Highs – Week Four

Sometimes right in the middle of experiencing the powerful presence of God and knowing He is at work, I struggle. Not too long ago after speaking at an event, this is exactly what happened. Everything related to event seemed to go well. I could sense God was moving and speaking to people. I felt good about my presentation. I saw God answering prayers I had prayed.

Yet, toward the close of the day during a time of worship, I was struck with an overwhelming desire to run away. Not from this event but from life. I was ready to give up on multiple things I was waiting on, I desperately desired some rest, and I wanted to avoid several situations I knew I needed to face.

The words of David in Psalm 55 express my feelings well, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. Behold I would wander far away, I would lodge in the wilderness. I would hasten to my place of refuge from the story wind and tempest.” (Psalm 55:6-8 NASB)

As you can probably guess I didn’t give into my desire to run away from life. Despite my emotions, my mind told me fleeing would not solve anything. It’s like I heard one speaker say, “wherever I go, there I am.”

But more than logic kept me grounded in this season. The truth I knew then and I know now is this – these very challenges, this very season is God’s gift to me. Only in walking with Him through hard times will I grow stronger. Right in this trial and test comes the opening for what is next. While running away or avoiding may delay an uncomfortable experience, it will also delay my growth.

Thankfully God understands human nature and has a lot to say about not giving up and enduring. The Bible frequently uses words like patience and perseverance to describe the character needed for our spiritual journey.

Let’s look at just one example. In James chapter 5, James compares our spiritual patience to a farmer waiting for the land to produce a harvest. When we don’t see things working out like we want, we often feel let down. We forget that just because we cannot see the final product yet, does not mean nothing is happening. The farmer knows that even though he doesn’t see immediate results, over time, growth will come. In the same way, we can be patient and wait on God, knowing that He is working even when we cannot see instantaneous outcomes.

James is writing to people who were familiar with hard times. He seemed to understand they needed encouragement to stay the course. He continues to talk abut perseverance by pointing us to a person who had every reason to give up – Job.

Consider Job’s experience. He faithfully followed God and lived with abundant blessings because of it. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Job’s life takes a tragic turn. In short order, he loses his career, his home, his possessions, his children, and his health. Most likely out of her own grief, Job’s wife encourages him to curse God and die. His friends aren’t much better as they accuse him of bringing this disaster upon himself.

At a time when most would have despaired and turned from God, Job continued to persevere. God responded by coming to Job’s defense and speaking directly to him, reminding him of His power, character, and presence. Despite the hardships Job was facing, God assured him He was still in control of everything. In the end, God restored Job’s fortune and his family, giving Job double the possessions he had previously owned.

On days when I want to give up, stories of faithful men and women like Job inspire me to continue strong. Job’s faithfulness challenges us to continue seeking the Lord during even our hardest days. No matter the situation, and, regardless of what our circumstances seem to say, God’s character does not change. When we don’t see life play out the way we want, it does not mean He is not in control. And it does not mean we should throw in the towel. Instead, it is an invitation to trust God, lean on Him, and grow in faith.

So stay strong. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Put one foot in front of the other. Don’t give up.

Believe. Walk in faith.

And know that God is right there with you.

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