Not Shrinking Back – Week Two

How do I know if I have faith?

My guess is I am not the only one who has wrestled with this question. While I aspire to have faith, I often wonder – is my faith genuine and solid? Am I truly pursuing God and seeking His will? Do I please Him? And if so, how can I know this for sure?

Too often, I associate faith with expected outcomes. I pray and anticipate God answering just as I see fit. I take a step and believe that circumstances will bend. I wait, trusting God will come through. Then, when I don’t see things align with my expectations, I begin to doubt.

The author of Hebrews tells us that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 NASB) In other words, faith operates in the realm of the unseen.

But, if our faith is not measured by what we can see and touch, is there a way to recognize it?

Repeatedly, Hebrews chapter 11 connects faith to God’s approval and pleasure. If we look at the verses immediately following the emphasis on the intangible, we see faith is how “men of old gained approval” (Hebrews 11:2) and how God created the world, “so that what is seen was not made out of the things that are visible.” (Hebrews 11:3)

Faith unlocks the realm of the impossible and is born in the invisible. It connects our hearts to God’s plan. In other words, faith is not only about big moments but about a lifetime of pleasing God.

If you are discouraged when you look at your life, if you don’t see the outward signs of God’s presence – don’t give up. Hebrews 11 is God’s gift to you. If you feel less than, insignificant, or not enough – don’t miss this truth. Our faith does not always see the anticipated results in this life because faith is about much more than what we can see. Faithfulness is grounded in pleasing God and gaining His approval.

So, again, how do I know if I have faith?

I know I have faith when…

  • I am like Able – living right and sacrificing my gifts to God.
  • I am like Enoch – known for walking and talking with God.
  • I am like Noah – reverently acting on God’s word, not on circumstances.
  • I am like Abraham – obeying God and willingly walking into the unknown.
  • I am like Sarah – believing God is faithful to bring about His promises.
  • I am like Jacob and Joseph – leaving a legacy for future generations.
  • I am like Moses – choosing the trials that come from following God over the passing pleasures of this world.
  • I am like Rahab – showing hospitality and choosing obedience.

Faith is so much more than a moment of answered prayer. Faith is how we live and who we are.

Faith does not guarantee we will see God move tangibly today, but it does ensure we will move His heart. The pleasure of God is often manifested in miracles but is always accompanied by His presence.

True faith pleases God. It ushers in His Spirit.

We know we have faith when we see the evidence of God’s presence in our lives – when we have words of life to share that we have no idea where they came from; when the fruit of the Spirit overflows from our lives; when we are known for supernatural love, joy, and peace; and when we have unexplained strength, wisdom, and direction.

Let’s join hands with the generations of men and women who choose to walk by faith, not sight. Let’s live to please God, not just each other. Let’s pursue Him and never shrink back.

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

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