Papa Dios

I don’t know about you, but some days I need a reminder to trust. A little something that points me toward God and away from worry. A gentle rebuke for forgetting to pray and getting off track. A moment that shows me that God cares about my needs. And that is precisely what happened for me just a few weeks ago.

The story actually begins almost two years ago when I traveled to Nicaragua to visit an amazing ministry called Feed My Lambs that focuses on feeding programs and child evangelism. In the few short days we were there Yesenia and Peter, the ministry leaders, took our team around, shared their vision, and opened their hearts.

One day they took us to village where Feed My Lambs works weekly with the children. It was here that I met Genesis, a young student at the local school and a part of the feeding program. Genesis radiates light and love. She is known for working hard and even at her young age she is a leader. And young Genesis had a dream – that her family would have a home.

A few days later when our team prayed and debriefed, we discussed what our next steps were. Based on Yesenia’s recommendation, we all felt God leading us to help build a home for Genesis and her family. Our church committed to this project and planned to send another team soon.

Unfortunately, not long after this trip, Nicaragua faced a national crisis. There was violence, rioting, and political unrest. As a result, travel into Nicaragua from the US was banned, which also meant that Genesis’s dreams were put on hold.

In this waiting time, Yesenia shared with us that Genesis was asking about the family home and wondering why nothing was happening. Listen to how Yesenia responded – instead of asking me or looking to people to provide for you, you need to pray to Papa Dios. He is the one who can provide for you.

I love that name for God – He is our Father. He knows. He sees. He cares. He doesn’t forget our needs. And He is the only one who can truly provide for us.

It reminds of Jesus’s advice to His disciples, “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life. Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” (Luke 12:24-26 NIV)

Genesis looked to her Heavenly Father, and even though it took longer than she anticipated, God answered her cries. This summer our team was able to partner with Feed My Lambs and Genesis’s family to build a simple duplex for both her and her aunt’s families.

The faith of this child pointed me back to my Heavenly Father. Her hope reminded me to hope. And seeing God’s faithfulness reminded me that I can trust, even in the days where I am not seeing any action.

What about you? Is there an area that you are experiencing doubt? Do you feel like you have been overlooked or forgotten? It is time to go back to your Papa Dios and talk to Him all about it.

Today is the day for you to put into practice I Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

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