Summer in the Psalms – Week One

When I think summer, I think of refreshing, renewing, and re-centering. Maybe this comes from the childhood and college rhythm of summer vacations. Maybe it comes from the sunshine and warmth. Or maybe it comes from this season being the mid-point of the calendar year. Whatever the case, I believe summer is the perfect time to rejuvenate and re-evaluate.

Now I have to be honest and tell you that last year, I kind of missed summer. Meaning that when fall arrived I realized that summer was over before I took advantage of it. I didn’t do any outdoor activities, I didn’t take a vacation, and I didn’t spend extra time with the people I love. My life was packed so full that I missed out on the gifts and opportunities of the season. By the time I was fully aware, it was too late to go back.

I want this summer to be different. I want to do a few things I don’t normally do, I want to enjoy the sun, and most importantly I want to spend time in God’s presence.

As we dive into summer, I want to invite you to join me in a commitment to refresh, renew, and re-center. This week we are kicking off a series I am calling “Summer in the Psalms.” The book of Psalms is a collection of prayers and petitions to God. Each week we will be diving into one of these prayers using the psalmist’s words as a guide to help us connect with God at a deeper level.

Today, we are looking at Psalm 27 written by David. If you are not familiar with David, David was the second king of the nation of Israel. Even at a young age, long before he was on the throne, David was known as a man after God’s own heart. (I Samuel 13:14) He was a valiant warrior and powerful king but he also spent many years in hiding, battled through sin, faced national crisis, and walked through family disunity.

While we don’t know exactly when in his journey David wrote Psalm 27, these words give us a glimpse into the internal battles David faced as he wrestled through external challenges. We can follow his progression of battling through fear, seeking God’s presence, and finding hope for today.

I encourage you to look internally as we explore David’s words.

The Battle With Fear (Psalm 27:1-3)

David faced enemies who wanted to destroy him. He was surrounded by armies and war was breaking out around him. He had many reasons to be afraid. Despite all he was facing, David committed to putting his confidence in God instead of living in fear. Listen to what he says, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; who shall I dread?” (Psalm 27:1 NASB) David overcame his fear by remembering the greatness of God. Compared to God’s strength and power, nothing or no one else stands a chance.

What about you? When you look around I am sure you too have many reasons to fear. I know I do… failure and rejection, health and well-being, and future and finances… just to name a few. Yes, our lives provide us with plenty of opportunity to be afraid, but like David we can overcome by remembering the One who is greater than any of our fears.

Seeking God’s Presence (Psalm 27:4-10)

Turning our attention to God is more than a one-time choice, it is a concentrated effort to worship God and spend time in His presence. It can be so easy to become consumed by what has happened to us, what is happening today, or what may happen in the future, that we forget all about God. Too many days, weeks, or seasons I look back and regret that I directed my attention away from God. Not surprisingly these are the same times that I find myself fearful, worried, and agitated.

Let’s look at David’s example. Instead of focusing on his external problems, David turned his focus to seeking God. “One thing I have asked of the LORD, that I shall seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life.” (Psalm 27:4) It was here in God’s presence that David found shelter and security. Seeking God brought David an internal breakthrough that gave him peace and hope. Despite the enemies all around him, David was full of joy, singing praises to God.

What about you? Where is your focus? Are you caught up with the presence of God or are you more distracted by what is happening in your life?

Finding Hope for Today (Psalm 27:11-14)

When we spend time in the presence of God, not only do we experience an internal breakthrough but we will also see breakthrough in the circumstances we face. This may not mean that every situation is resolved exactly the way we want, but it does mean that God’s presence will infuse itself into every facet of our lives. And when God is present, transformation will always occur.

As David shifted his focus to worshiping God, he could then look back to his situation with a new perspective. Listen to how he concluded Psalm 27, “I would have despaired unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD.” (Psalm 27:13-14)

Today as we seek God and begin to refresh, renew, and re-center, let’s join David in this commitment to wait on God, to find strength in courage in His presence, and to believe we will see His goodness today.

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