Not Shrinking Back – Week Five

Faith is future-oriented. When circumstances say, “give up,” men and women of faith say, “not me!” Faith presses in and pushes forward, despite all odds. Faith knows that what is…

Not Shrinking Back – Week Four

Faith is about the long game, not the short game.  Your faith is not measured by your accolades but by your character. Faithfulness is about the choices you make, not…

Not Shrinking Back – Week Three

At what point is faith the strongest? Is it when we see the miracle, when we hold steady in the storm, or when we cling to hope despite discouraging circumstances?…

Not Shrinking Back – Week Two

How do I know if I have faith? My guess is I am not the only one who has wrestled with this question. While I aspire to have faith, I…

Not Shrinking Back – Week One

The famous chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, is preceded with these words, “But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to…